A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Think if we were to post a website and nominate - MTwithheadache

Posted: Jan 26, 2010

the worst doctors in the country in terms of their transcription that they would get wind of it and straighten up and fly right?  I don't mean necessarily the ESL docs that are trying their level best.  I mean the ones that just do not care and figure they should be able to dictate however, whenever, wherever they want, doing whatever they want at the same time.  I have had several days on an account that seemed to have nothing but docs that were easy and clean, I made my line count and then some every day, it was a breeze.  Then today I am back on an old account that has some of the worst I have heard and have been told my management that this is their attitude~I dictate, you deal with it.  Thing is, this is an account that is monitored regularly for a 99.8% QA rate including blanks submitted and if you fall below this you hear about it.  First thing this morning, the first doc I get is my absolute worst and I want to nominate him as the WORST dictating physician in the free world!  Where can I do that??  Oh, well.  I have a headache. 

What would call a website like this?  Just a little creative thinking exercise for fun. Wink

mushmouthmedicalmumbling.com - Usedtolovetranscription

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I like that one! Any MT would know what it was - MTwithheadache

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in sight!

There is always the straightforward and obvious-

I think you'd find yourself being sued. LOL - Just Me

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You are probably right. Today, it would almost - MTwithheadache

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be worth it.

Is it possible to submit it completely anonymously? - MTwithheadache

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I guess they could still supoena or whatever if it were really that big of an issue for them.

How about Dictation4DummyDoctors.com - MTwithheadache

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Maybe tell then what not to do. I know I sure have some docs I would love to send a link like this to. LOL!

I dont understand why the MTSOs and the hospitals - sm - Zircon

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don't crack down on sloppy dictators. It costs everybody money, from the hospital who often has to wait longer for those reports to dribble in, to the MTSO whose MTs are slowed down considerably by the sloppies & mushmouths, and most of all, the MT, who is paid on production. You can't produce much when you're inching along through an undecipherable report that contains mumblers, machine-gun-mouths, ESLs, and don't forget bad-quality sound files that are 99% static, or where the volume fades in and out.

And BTW - I don't think the ESLs are trying nearly hard enough. If they can get their MD and PhD degrees, then why can't they through a few English classes into their education, as well? Why do hospitals hire doctors no one can understand? It just makes no sense.

MTSOs should be charging up the whazoo for transcribing those headache docs. And the MTs should get paid a lot more for typing them. Maybe by the hour for them, instead of by the line. For all the relistening and research I have to do when typing those ESL losers, we should be getting at LEAST $20/hour.

I TOTALLY agree! It is ridiculous! - MTwithheadache

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My husband sees me doing endless research on this stuff, hears me cussing about how horrific the dictators are and tells me I am crazy to do this anymore. Unfortunately, the MTSOs are interested only in making money, making as much as possible and still stating competitive for the business while paying us a little as possible. The information and training we need to have to do this job should guarantee us a decent to good wage, but instead we make crap. There was my vent for the day.
Anyway, it would certainly help on all counts if the docs could become decent dictators! We would all have higher line counts and better attitudes overall! At least, I know I would!

I even thought about sending anonymous emails to certain particularly poor dictators with suggestions regarding their dictations and how it would help us both if they would only take their head out of their *** and do it right!

Me too I totally agree with all what you are venting here. - sm

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But don't you see that these very complaints contributed to the invention and introduction of EMR, where it does not matter how badly an ESL speaks English, or how bad the audio is, no production quotas, not complaining and venting MTs, no nagging QAs, etc...

From what side we look, it's bad for us!

They know they are slowing everyone down - so they stat all reports!

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That's what peeves me the most - being forced to type their garbage first while everything else waits behind them. It totally screws up TAT for all my accounts when I have a few of these dictating a mile a minute, statting everything and forcing me to type everything they utter until its all done! At the very least the hospitals should crack down on them for making everything stat and forcing every other doc in the hospital to wait for their reports...sometimes for hours if they are really on a roll!

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