A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Everyone will jump on this job--- - get your resumes in!

Posted: Jan 30, 2012

Saw an ad on another site this morning.  Acute care, all kinds of this and that you need.  For the marvelous cpl of, wait for it, 5 to 6 cents!!!  Don't everyone pile on at one, now!

resumes - fedup

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LOL! that straight typing or ASR?

Saw this.. Hold me back. IC to boot and paying my own taxes - Wanna Go Broke

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Give me a break. After you get done making your whopping minimum wage and THEN take our your own taxes, I think I will give up and just go to McDonalds and get a job so I can qualify for some kind of assistance like food stamps. What is wrong with these companies. Apparently, they are most interested in padding their own pockets that providing a living to the people who are actually doing the work.

I don't know though... - is it all the fault of the MTSO?..

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I think hospitals have come to the point where they will try to pay as little as possible for documents. Soon it will just be VR straight into the charts, no editing, no nothing just to save a buck and it really won't matter what goes in there.

MTSOs lack the integrity to stand up to the - hospitals for a fair deal.(nm)-Meerkat

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Yeah, and when a few protesters show up at - their door, they go crying to the police.

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These big companies degrade, demoralize their workers, pay them peanuts, and want them available 24/7. All with no benefits and falling pay. Corporate America is just begging for those they oppress to rise up against them, and when it happens, then they play the "victim" card.

Attention, Corporate Fat-Cats: You can't have it both ways. You can't be both the Oppressor and a Victim. And we already know which one you are.

And now Wal-Mart has stopped using overnight greeters - What WILL we do? LOL

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I no longer patronize Wal-Mart. Tired of how they - gyp employees & sell Chinese c__p.

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" Ch-ch-ch CHINA "

I do not patronize Walmart - Old Pro

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Anyone who does should rent the film called THE HIGH COST OF LOW PRICES.
Thanks for the recommendation Old Pro! - Hayseed
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After work this morning, I went to Netflix and watched this documentary. I knew about the China issue but the health insurance/medicaid thing...absolutely blew my mind! Thank you so much for the eye opener! Sad to see though at the end all these cities and towns that kept Walmart out initially, only to have them come back anyway, as they did in our neck of the woods, including one of those vacant buildings doing absolutely nothing and a new building only a mile down the road. What a waste.
Hayseed - Old Pro
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You are welcome. I used to shop at Walmart until I saw that film. Contrary to popular belief, not all MTSOs are rich. I certainly am not. I am on a budget and have to watch what I spend, but I am not going to take my savings on the back of some other person. And I have known too many owners of small stores that were put of business because of Walmart. In fact, a good friend of mind who owns a small store in our neighborhood is going belly up on Friday because of the big box stores. This deprives her and two other women of a job. I would rather pay a bit more and shop locally. At least I can sleep with myself at night. Have a great day.
Correction - Old Pro
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Well,obviously, that should be a good friend of MINE, not mind. It is still very early on the Left Coast! :)-

5-6 cpl - embolicetiology

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Hahahahahahah thank you for the good laugh. good heavenz.

that is shameful - luckyladyinca

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I was under the impression you had to pay 6 cpl to post here. With all the costs and knowledge it takes to transcribe acute care with that pay..... come on..

I saw it, too. If I were their recruiter, I'd be - embarrassed to post that ad. (sm)

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I sincerely believe that companies that don't pay a living wage (9 cpl to START), should be banned from advertising here, there, or anywhere.

Lowball ads like that send the wrong message to MTs, especially the newbies - that we're not worth a wage that would allow us to feed and house ourselves.

When a jobs site allows them to advertise, they perpetuate and exacerbate transcriptionist poverty, and as a result, flight from the profession.

No Posting Poverty Ads - BeeBop

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I completely agree with you. If a company offers 2 cpl will they be allowed to post here or at other MT boards? If they knew they would not be allowed to post poverty ads, companies might think twice and offer better wages to attract capable and experienced MTs from boards like this where they know we are frequent visitors. A line rate of 5-6 cpl is the type of pay that you see offered at sites such as oDesk for some transcription jobs, especially when Filipino and Indian MTs are the targets for those ads. These companies who are offering United States workers those types of wages should be ashamed. This is a professional job that should pay a professional wage.

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