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Posted: Jun 29, 2012

I can't believe what just happened to me.  I answered the ad for RAD STAT.  Tonya hired me.  I started working at 8 p.m. Friday night.  I jumped right in without any EMDAT/inscribe training.  I worked for three hours straight doing 40 reports without any training.  The last 10 reports were difficult as I didn't have ALL the samples.  She also said she would jump in and help me.  I texted her and told her there was 8 minutes left on the system.  I couldn't understand the reports, it was my first night, I jumped in to help and did a lot of work.  SHE FIRED ME ON THE SPOT.  I did 40 reports of her backlog.  Is that why she always has ads on here.  Is she getting free help.  I also didn't get a contract or HIPPA papers to sign.  I am soooo upset.  I am sitting here crying at 11:30 p.m. wanting to strangle myself for being so stupid.  I was so excited.  I am ashamed to tell my family I got fired the first night because of a nut. (Sorry didn't proofread this).  I can't see through the tears. 

I just can't believe how upset I am, I can't sleep - jada/robin

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I can't believe how upset I am. I can't sleep. I hope someone is up to talk to. I need some support. I was so excited about getting this job.

Please don't beat yourself up, sm - Old Woman

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This person is not worth your tears and frustration. Do you really think she cares whether you are upset and crying?

Hon, we all make mistakes in life if we do anything at all. At least you ventured forth and tried. I am really sorry you had such a bad experience, but just pull yourself up and keep on going. Living well is the best revenge.

Mitchem - jada

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I just feel like I was conned. I really needed the job. I knew it was too good to be true. Thanks for the words.

I am not familiar with the ads posted for this company - IAMT

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nor do I do radiology. Hopefully you will someday look back at this as a huge error on the company's part and a lesson learned. How desperate can they be to not provide the proper paperwork or specifics. If they are not providing the HIPAA and confidentiality agreement signed by you for their files, they are in violation. They will be reported by someone along the way and have to adjust their practices eventually but you did nothing wrong other than trusting a company and that is getting harder and harder for us MTs to do. We depend on companies being ethical, honest and compliant with rulings, and definitely are not. We need the tools to be successful (specifics, examples, etc) and you were not given that advantage. That is on the company. I so hope you now find a wonderful company that will appreciate your loyalty and hard work that does things the right way.

I know this is an upsetting topic, Jada, but - Curious

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What reason did she give you for terminating you after doing 40 reports? Was it because you didn't follow her format for which she didn't give you samples, or...? I just can't imagine sitting there for 3 hours, whipping out 30 reports, and having someone just fire me on the spot, so I was wondering what, if any reason, she gave you.

So sorry you're going through this. It must be devastating.

Mitchem - jada

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The reason she gave me was I did not complete the last 10 reports. I had texted and called her earlier to say I did not have specifics on those reports, no normals and it would be easier for her to get them done than for me to try and get them done, it was less than 9 minutes of dictation. She had said at one point she was going to jump right in not to worry. I then got a text at about 11 p.m. saying she would no longe need my services as I didn't finished the required amount of reports. It was almost like she snapped or something. The first three hours of the job she said don't worry, I know ths is last minute we will work through this. I have to get this work in because the other woman quit on the spot. I was sooo happy to get the job. I told her that last night I was winging it and by today I would have account specifics and tell her what I needed to do the job properly. They were very easy RAD reports, but again I did not have any account specifics. She had to fill that it and she said it wasn't a problem for her. Maybe she found someone else between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. what she thought would be more useful for this weekend. Unfortunately she doesn't realize I would have been very dedicated. I have been with my other RAD job for 10 years, no problems. I was just looking for weekend work. Thanks for asking.
Mitchem - jada
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sorry for typos in last post i am just really tired of all this. going to take a much needed nap and hopefully when i wake up this will all have gone away. i thought this was the answer to my prayres. my husband has ms and can't work this little bit of extra money i was so excited about. sorry again

So sorry - sm

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Wow she is really a true definition of the word bitch, I am really sorry but you know what don't give her the satisfaction of knowing she has upset you...you jumped in untrained and tried to her...you are the better person so hold you head up put it behind you and move on!

First I am so sorry for your experience... - Anonymous

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Try not to let it get to you too much though, because it doesn't sound to me like you deserved to get fired!

I did a quick Google search for this woman just to see the name of the company, and well, an interesting first result came up. (It must be the same woman, it's in the same general area.) I'm not going to post the actual link - you can Google it if you want - but it does sound to me like this woman might possibly have some serious personal issues.

Wow that was quite an eye opening way to start my morning - JavaAddict

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I'm not positive it's the same woman though; I also found a thread regarding her husband's death but they referred to her by a name other than Tonya but...yeah, as you said definitely some serious personal issues going on if this is the same woman. Yikes.

*Putting Mitchem onto my 'NO WAY' list*

Thanks for the heads up, OP.

I think that a different Tonya Mitchem. - sm

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I looked up her company and it's based in South Carolina. I googled Tonya Mitchem. The Tonya Mitchem that I came across with her husband who had died (and she had cheated, etc...if you saw it on a message board called topix) was in Princeton, West Virginia.

Anon . . i looked up via google and had to - laugh . . . . .

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Thanks for the chuckle. I would worry about utilizing a company who cannot spell "benifits" on their main web page and then when you click the the "Benifits" link, the CORRECT spelling of Benefits is at the top of the page. That right there would send me running. Thank for the chuckle!!!

Do NOT just move on! Get help! - (see message)

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They get away with this because no one is following through with a complaint. Contact your local workforce commission or labor board or even your local government. DO NOT JUST MOVE ON!! She has violated federal labor laws and she's going to continue unless you and other victimized MTs stop her.

I don't care if you didn't get your new-hire paperwork yet, you worked for her and she allowed it. SHE OWES YOU A PAYCHECK! Period.

Mitchem - jada

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Thank you for your response. I really feel depressed over this. I'm thinking maybe there is a problem with the company as she said the woman before me who she hired last week didn't show up for work yesterday. All the signs were there. Call me stupid. But when you have no money sometimes the mind plays tricks. I hope she pays me the 23.00 she owes me for the 40 reports I did. I can't believe I was working for .07 cents a line for an entire weekend as someone pointed out, but I really need the money.

I told her I am going to contact the facility as she gave me patient specifics without signing a HIPPA agreement which I did ask for.

I just can't in my mind figure out why she would fire someone she really needs on the first day. She didn't fire me 5 reports in, she fired me 40 reports in when I told her I needed her help to jump and as she had promised and help clean up the work since it was late due to her not hiring someone earlier. I am going to stop complaining now. Life has to go on. And I still need a job.

I have to wonder - on posts like these

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I understand that there are some whackos out there and some that practice poor business sense, but every time someone posts about how great they were and yet they get fired the first day, I have to wonder if you were really as great as you think you are?
Mitchem - jada
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I was not saying I was "great." I love Radiology, I can do Radiology. Not perfect, no one is. I am complaining about the circumstances surrounding the situation. There are two sides to every story. I saw a promising ad on MT Stars, start ASAP RAD, weekends. It looked great. After an hour of discussion with the owner by e-mail and by phone. Her telling me there were time constraints and me being new to the account specifics, she said no problem. She would put in account specifics and jump in and help me. I was feeling great. After three hours of non-stop typing with no account specifics I told her the last 10 reports were very difficult to for me hear, it was less than 8 minutes of dictation left. I told her without those particular account specifics it would probably be best she complete those last 10 reports as it would be easier for her to do than to correct my work putting in normals that I did not have. It was all very polite and we even spoke on the phone several times. I got a text an hour later stating I was fired. It just sounds weird, like she snapped or something. Instead of calling me and trying to work it out.

Again, I never said I was great. I am far from it. But I did apply for a position in which I am very familiar with the specialty. And if she didn't like my work why not "can" me after 10 reports not when the work is 98% completed. Sounds fishy.
No account specs or normals? - BeenThereMT
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I don't work on straight radiology accounts, but I can't imagine starting a job without the account specs and on an account that is notorious for having tons of normals. Why on earth did the owner not provide that very necessary part of the job before you started the work? The account specs could have been e-mailed, along with a contract and confidentiality forms.

Not having account specs and normals is like tying one hand behind your back, and then this owner/whomever would have had to completely review every report. What's the point of that?

I hope you find another job very soon. There are companies that get all the proper paperwork and information lined up before you start. Best wishes!
This was the case with a company - alana
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I backed out of working for. The trainer was also the account manager for a radiology department. When I asked for samples, she looked at me like I had 3 heads. Her excuse was that the hosp wasn't interested in meeting anyone from the MTSO because they don't like change, so she didn't have any samples. The hospital canned the MTSO after only a couple months, but the MTs all got blamed for losing the account due to poor quality. The trainer was also QA and it was clear she didn't have radiology experience.
Alana - Was that company Silent Type? - nm
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You must have "been there, done that" - alana
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to know that. ;)
ST - MTme
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This is definitely Silent Type!

Mitchem - overthehillMT

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I wonder how she stays in business. I see her about every other week on the board hiring for the same job posting. She can't being making TAT with her accounts if everyone keeps quitting on her or she is firing people. People are bending over backwards jumping through hoops just to keep from losing accounts these days, it would be interesting to know what her backlog is on her work.

And to top this - sad sad

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she has an ad out the following day for an MT STAT - evidently right after she fired you. Keep your sights moving forward and thank you for warning all of us about this company. No wonder they have an ad every week. You have to wonder who else has been mistreated this way!!

Meanwhile... - cmk

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her work's getting caught up, and she didn't have to pay/train anyone to do it. Thanks for the word of warning about her!

Hopefully what comes around :) - nm

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Just saw the add down below for the rad MT, and went to her website, and noticed one of her HEADERS is spelled BENIFITS. I'd fire her on the spot for that :)

Disliking this thread - Maxs mom

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Just out of curiousity, do you think this Tonya person is the one disliking each of the responses to this thread? I don't see why there would be a good reason to dislike any of the responses here.

Maybe...Ive been waiting for her to post a defense - But probably wont happen

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Surely anyone who finds her ad on this site will also stumble upon this thread. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't tried to create a defense for herself and post it. Maybe she knows there is no defense for her actions and is just "disliking" all the comments? However, that being said, I think we just have a few posters to go around disliking almost every thread from the gab board to the main board so it's hard to say.

Their website looks scary. nm - nn

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Funny Story.... - sillyme

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I applied for this company a long time ago, but also included in my e-mail that there were typos in her website. Needless to say, I never got a response. You'd think she would've appreciated my editing skills! lol


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OMG! That is horrible what happened to you. I think a lot of these people hiring do this so you will do their work for "free". I have noticed this with doing some MT tests. They have you do like 10 or so reports for testing, then tell you that you need more training and then you get an email from Career Step. Really? What is going on?!?!?! I think this company/person needs to be reported and NOW! Contact the moderator on here and tell them what happened. This is uncalled for and needs to stop!!!

Mitchem - jada

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I also told her about the typos in her e-mails BUT after she fired me. Thank you all for the support. I feel soooo much better. Let's just end the negative stuff. I am certain enough people know about this now to not accept a position with this company and do someone elses backlog for free. I learned a hard lesson. Life goes on. I will be 55 this month. You can teach an old dog a new trick. I wish only good things for her and her company

I applied for one of her ads once and the interview was so unprofessional - Daisy

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I ended up not taking the job because of the interview. She was talking to her husband, her dogs were barking, she was saying hang on and then IM'ing people.

I just figured anybody that disorganized was going to be a disaster to work for.

Sorry for your trouble, that's one of the worst parts about everything being all done online, so hard to know what you're getting into!

When I see this much drama, I think there may be more than 1 side to this story - Not involved but that is my impression

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I've never heard of the person or company, but whenever there is this much drama on a public board, anonymously, I question that we have heard the whole story.

More than one side to the story - jada

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There are always two sides to every story. I was just giving you my side. As you can see by reading the posts many people have been burned by this company, so I don't feel alone. Also the company/woman has not posted her side. I would like to hear it. I was very hurt and angry when I first posted as I am a seasoned MT. I got scammed. I would never post something if I ever thought I did something that would come back to bite me. I would not want to tarnish a reputation if I at all thought I had done something wrong. I was getting support from her for the 2-3 hours I worked for her all along the way. I never imagined she would fire me on the spot. Something is not right with this. I just hope no one else gets scammed.

RADSTAT - grandy

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If you know the name of the company you were doing work for, you could always report her noncompliance to them.

Call the hospital--or Emdat! - anon

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I'd call either the hospital to report her HIPAA noncompliance or call Emdat and report her not paying you. If Emdat is subcontracting to this "company", they Emdat can be held liable for what she's doing--nonpayment and HIPAA violations.

Sounds like this is an EMDAT company (see msg) - anon

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I'd call EMDAT (608.270.6400)as EMDAT subcontracts to all these little fly by night companies who use all ICs and don't pay competitive rates. Call them because if it's an EMDAT contract with the hospital, they are ultimately responsible. We're going to have to get more vocal to stop this insanity!

Emdat - Emdat

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Emdat makes no claims about the quality of the company in question, however we have never outsourced any work to this company. Emdat is primarily a technology company. Many MTSOs use our platform for transcription (much like many use Microsoft Word). Emdat rarely has a direct transcription relationship, and therefore has very few outsourcing relationships.

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