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Are there any companies that do not test? - lori

Posted: Sep 18, 2014

I have tested with several companies and either do not hear or have passed a few.  I was wondering if there were any companies that DO NOT test as long as you have a resume with experience?

You do realize that companies have to test for a reason? - nn

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There are very FEW companies that do this and if it is allowed, it is based on your experience and what a potential employer sees on your resume.

Exactly - SSMT

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Almost all companies require testing. It's to be expected. You need to prove that you have the skills necessary for the job before they jump and hire you. You can't just send your resume and expect to be hired based off that alone. You need to prove yourself first.

Testing - justmyopinion

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I expect to test and feel it is fair to do so. What I do not feel is fair is to have to go to a testing website and test before anybody even looks at your resume. They should email you first and give you an opportunity to ask questions before you waste your time and theirs testing for a position you won't accept when you find out the answers to your questions. They get too many resumes to respond to all of them but we should test anyway on the off chance they might see our resume and like it? That's just bull.

TTS...sm - Anon

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had test questions (I think 50) but no transcription test. I had a good resume/experience and did well on the test and was hired. I have been there 3 years and am fairly satisfied with the staff I deal with and my pay. The platform, Escription, is very well trained and the drafts to be edited are usually great.

TTS testing has changed..sm - A. Nony Mouse

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They now require a transcription test as well as the multiple choice test, and I believe it is a lot longer than 50 questions now.

To the original poster, I hope you take what I am about to say in the spirit it is intended because I don't mean to demoralize you or put you down. I hope that you will take this well-meant advice to heart. If you have tested for multiple companies and cannot pass the test, then perhaps being an MT, despite the experience you might have, is not for you. The field is dwindling down to nothing and will be gone before too much longer. Five to 10 years ago, I would still have said that it was a profession worth pursuing; however, with the advent of the point and click electronic medical record and the increasing popularity of speech recognition in addition to the amount of work that is being sent off shore these days, American MTs are being either forced to do speech recognition for half of what traditional transcription pays (and don't believe that all speech recognition is all that great because it's not). Unless you have a really good reason not to seek employment in the traditional workplace, I would suggest you start sending out resumes and looking for brick-and-mortar jobs because the world of medical transcription is going away fast. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best.

I posted above and I agree - nn

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The companies test for a reason and even though my resume is LARGE, I work for 3 companies. Two are "when work is there" one is an IC -- all straight typing. I had a former supervisor who tested for my current company and had NO clue with acute care. This is one thing that I have seen with people being offered a position in a specialty they have NEVER worked in. If you have acute care hospital, you have a better chance of being hired. However, if you have done "clinic/speciality" your chances of getting hired are less! Good luck :)

Well-meant advise..?...and job not for you. - pretty crass KIA

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The total rudeness of telling someone else that a job is not for them and everyone thinks they know it all is rather disgusting. In the beginning, we never 'tested' and were lucky to find someone who would sit all day and risk their total body health to a job...yet it paid and you got benefits. Now you are asked to have a doctorate and get 3 cents!!!! Oh, but don't take it to heart!

A Nony Mouse - My 2 cents

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The OP didn't say she couldn't pass the tests, she said she had passed some and didn't hear anything about the others. I think the question was in regard to companies who don't require testing. She didn't ask your opinion about the state of medical transcription. I don't know why people can't answer questions and stay on topic instead of getting on a soapbox anytime someone asks a simple question.
why do you feel the need to correct her? she didnt ask you for your opinion - fed up
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it goes both ways. She gave her advice. She has the option to take it or leave it. Why do you have to butt in where you dont belong. Either answer her question yourself or shut up.

so sick of all the drama on this place. Now that is my 2 cents worth!
Your opinion matters - My 2 cents
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I see that you have no problem offering your opinion either, thanks for sharing.
but she gave her advice based on misinterpretation of OP. - and that makes a difference. NM
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reading comprehension from A Mouse? - you set the bar high. MT2
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just jokin'.

did not test for TTS - mttm

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I just recently started working for TTS a few months ago and did not test. I replied to a post on mt jobs and within an hour received a call from the recruiter, was hired and started the following week,Ben there ever since, they are happy with me and I am happy with them

That's great! Glad it worked out for you. - lori

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I will have to try them again. I had been in contact with I believe a Gary Jernovich and at the time they didn't have clinical jobs. I will have to email him and find out what they have and if they would consider me. Thank you!

Similar experience, didn't test for TTS. Heard back from recruiter in an hour - Very unhappy there and quit after 3 months

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Filed complaint with state of NH employment task force for misclassification. They treat their ICs like employees so be careful. I also was not paid for training.
Oh, wow, sounds like a bad experience! - lori
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I had a phone interview with them about a year ago and thought they were going to hire me for a job, but when I wanted set hours they just kind of didn't pursue me. Guess I didn't miss out on anything with them!
Yep exactly. They want their ICs to work a schedule according - to what shifts they have available. sm
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Seriously if you're not logged in at the start of your shift expect a phone call from TL. It wasn't just having to work a schedule, it was the amount of "control" they try to have over ICs, and that's where the line is drawn between classifying employees from ICs.

TTS was cracking down on their workers awhile back too because there was a CPSE that cost the company a 45k fine. There was a mass email with a "crossword puzzle" that we were required to submit back to them to show understanding. I never submitted it.

Additionally, there was an occasion where a trainer was doing a "share screen" with me and an IM popped up from another trainer telling her that "I was just accused of cherry picking. I'm so pissed." Verbatim! So it obviously happened there. I had several really crappy days there of just total ESL instead of a normal mix and it's obvious when the cherry picking happens.

Overall, I just did not have a good experience there. I've heard mixed opinions on it, some better than others. Good lesson learned though. I took it as a side job, so leaving it really didn't matter and was much less of a headache.
That's why I'm trying to get a job employee status - lori
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I am testing with Synernet right now. I don't really care for the long tests you have to do but know it is necessary. I am bothered by not getting an email at least that I didn't pass or some that say give us a break and we'll get to your grading of your test because we are overwhelmed. I used to work contracted and used to make good money on my own back in the before "electronic records" days. Now I have been unemployed and there is nothing here locally to find. When you say you are a transcriptionist they look at you like you are from another planet, LOL...
Strange how some have horrible stories about TTS and - then others have it so good
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I have worked there for years now and had no idea about any "cracking down" you speak of, seems like everything running along the way it has since I first started. As far as what it said on the screen, you said it stated "I was accused of cherry picking." That in itself does not even state it was true. How you come to your conclusion? Anyone can "accuse" you, does not mean it is true. I have the bad mixed in with good and then on Fridays usually ESLs are there en force but I think probably just the ESLs taking the task of the H&Ps and others off for the weekend. Oh, by the way, have never ever gotten a phone call from anyone there asking why I am not working. Must be you were not on when you were supposed to be. I have no problem like that, never.
Then dont work for them. They asked ME what shecule I wanted - as an IC. I picked what I wanted SM
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and that is what I work. They have to know that MTs are going to be working so they can assure TAT is met. What do you want them to do. Just give everyone a log in and hope someone is there working? Doesn't work that way.
And I did not have to test. - nm
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Work for TTS and schedule adhered to as IC - but frankly my dear.....
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The platform is super-duper. I do my work, they leave me alone, I get a paycheck and I make what I think is good for this time. Not unhappy in the least. They need people to show up and work. I think when I see people complaining about a schedule I feel like they mostly are slackers.

Did not have to test for - anon

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InHealth CDS or J&M Transcription

Was just on InHealth's web site and says you have to take a pretest and an open book AHDI test - lori

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J&M doesn't say on their site, but that could be true.

I am not going to test for any company before I know what they have - PAMT

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to offer. That is a ridiculous waste of time as far as I am concerned. If we aren't a good fit then why go through all the BS with the foot pedal not working etc to hear nothing back and then if you do you aren't interested because of whatever. Makes no sense to me. I know what I can do and I am not afraid to tell them that. They can use me for a week and not pay me but I am not testing for tons of companies that I have no interest in after I hear what they have to offer.

Totally agree!!! - lori

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Kinda my mindset too, I totally agree!

I have worked for two companies since 1996 being Modal and another one in Michigan. I didnt - PAMT

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test for either and I was with Modal for twelve years until my account went off in the sunset and then I started with my present company and I am still there eight years after. I don't test well but I am good at what I do.
i'm like you, I choke on tests but have been at this over 30 years. - unlike the above posters, I WILL still
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test...or never find a job.

Good luck to those putting their foot down on testing, and finding a position.

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