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Anyone know of TransRx LLC in Ft Wayne, Indiana? - Good, bad, ugly? Please sm

Posted: Mar 04, 2010

I received a test from them. It's rather long at 20 mins of dictation in several different specialties. I don't mind that so much but she also wants to time us to see how long it takes to complete so have to schedule a time for her to send it. Wondering if it's worthwhile to even bother since no info on pay rate or anything has been given. Hoping someone has worked for them or knows something. I'd like to know approx rate, whether they pay on time, have direct deposit, how is QA/management, etc. Thanks to anyone that can help. Feel free to email if you'd rather. 

All I could find was the web site SM - early bird

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Must be a small place.

Thanks, bothers me to give them 20 mins of transcription - without knowing anything.sm

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about the company or the position itself. I don't know if it's tacky to ask for more details prior to testing. I would never ask someone to test without telling them about the job first, see if they're even interested, esp not a test that long.

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