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Company Board

Versio - MT

Posted: Jan 15th, 2025 - 11:15 am In Reply to: Versio - Reviews

I've worked for the company for nearly 5 years. Lisa is tough but fair. It's a small company and she has very high standards. No crime in that. Coming from a large, faceless corporation where I never heard anything from my supervisor (until they laid me off with no warning when COVID started) to a small work environment like this took adjusting but it's some of the most rewarding work I've ever done. I get to use my brain and organize reports for dictators who don't pay attention to details instead of mindlessly typing all day. She works with the clients to make sure they give us the best possible dictations to make our jobs easier. She appreciates hard work and any criticism is only constructive, with a goal to improve our skills in the long run. She is blunt but never rude or insulting (unless you are very thin-skinned, which I used to be, admittedly). I also feel great job security. Far from "horrible" treatment. Don't believe everything you read online.


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