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What I Did - see msg

Posted: Sep 6th, 2024 - 9:15 am In Reply to: What is everyone doing now? - Tara

Well, I'm finally retired but I can tell you what I did after MT and before retirement. I know you aren't looking for suggestions, just what we all are doing.

I was just a few short years from retirement benefits, so I took what I could get which was answering phones in-house at a local retail car dealer just few miles from my home. Found it in my local newspaper. I was very successful in getting interviews, and I took the one that sounded the best to me.

To find a job working from home, I went to retail websites and followed their instructions on applying for a career from home. Got some hits, but ended up with the inhouse gig because it paid better. You don't have to go on those biggie Indeed-type sites to find a job!

Good luck to you.


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