Scoping school-yes - Tara Posted: Sep 5th, 2024 - 10:00 pm In Reply to: Coding - Good pay and lots of hours
I did a free program online and got a certificate. I have been in searching and applying to places throughout the US. The firm I work for now, the work is slow. I have been put in touch with someone from the instructor so hopefully this works out. I found a company on my own by searching and the woman is supposed to get back to me this week, so I am hoping something good will happen.
I am still doing medical transcription, but it is for a doctor in WV who I have been doing for years, but it's not full-time unfortunately. I also transcribe for a company that does interviews for the CA Medical Board. I have been with them for five years. Work is just slow which is horrible in itself that is why I need to work for several companies. Really bugs me.
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Complete Discussion Below: ( marks the location of current message within thread)
- What is everyone doing now? - Tara (Views: 1423, 2024-09-04, 1:48 pm)
- Part-time Work - LinK (Views: 1154, 2024-09-04, 5:19 pm)
- Thank you - Tara (Views: 686, 2024-09-04, 6:41 pm)
- Working - Working at home (Views: 857, 2024-09-04, 6:43 pm)
- Remote jobs - Anon (Views: 1049, 2024-09-05, 11:37 am)
- Thank you - Tara (Views: 609, 2024-09-05, 1:55 pm)
- Coding - Good pay and lots of hours (Views: 767, 2024-09-05, 6:33 pm)
- Scoping school-yes - Tara
- What I Did - see msg (Views: 890, 2024-09-06, 9:15 am)
- Microsoft - Scriber (Views: 721, 2024-09-11, 9:31 am)