Remote jobs - Anon Posted: Sep 5th, 2024 - 11:37 am In Reply to: What is everyone doing now? - Tara
My cousin used to work from home for BlueCross insurance, it was an entry level job. I know DirecTV has some customer service reps who work from home for their retention department. Chewy also hires some customer service reps who work remotely. Just some suggestions outside MT.
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Complete Discussion Below: ( marks the location of current message within thread)
- What is everyone doing now? - Tara (Views: 1449, 2024-09-04, 1:48 pm)
- Part-time Work - LinK (Views: 1166, 2024-09-04, 5:19 pm)
- Thank you - Tara (Views: 696, 2024-09-04, 6:41 pm)
- Working - Working at home (Views: 873, 2024-09-04, 6:43 pm)
Remote jobs - Anon - Thank you - Tara (Views: 621, 2024-09-05, 1:55 pm)
- Coding - Good pay and lots of hours (Views: 782, 2024-09-05, 6:33 pm)
- What I Did - see msg (Views: 903, 2024-09-06, 9:15 am)
- Microsoft - Scriber (Views: 742, 2024-09-11, 9:31 am)