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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 56)

This is a dead field - SM

Posted: Jul 19th, 2023 - 4:35 pm In Reply to: Interested in medical transcription - Ash

Don't waste your time. Medical Transcription has been on the way out the door for the past decade or so. MTs have been replaced by EMRs, scribes, VR, etc. There are VERY few MT jobs out there these days, and what few jobs are left pay absolute garbage. It's not even worth the time. Any "school" who still offers an MT course should be immediately shut down as it is entirely unethical to offer a course for a career that's on the verge of extinction. I finally had to get out of MT altogether after 21 years and it was the best decision I made, although a bit sad because I loved this job.


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