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Goodbye Edix, Spheris, Medquist, MModal, Aquity - Sig

Posted: Jun 7th, 2023 - 11:18 am

Hello, opportunity...? I hope. Anyone else sacked yesterday? Over 25 years doing the same job, and I woke up this morning feeling a strange combination of loss and freedom - what to do next?! I'm a creature of the routine, even if it's uncomfortable, and working here has definitely been a mix of comfort and discomfort. I'm hoping to start a TAA petition if there isn't one already and get trained to do something else as I have a good 15 years left to work before I can retire. I wish you all well if you're still here and even more so if you're in the same predicament I'm in. My wish is that we all find an employer who will treat us with the respect we deserve, not in empty words but in "show me the money," pay raises (can you even imagine? what a dream!), health care benefits, and vacation time. We will persevere! 


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