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Let me explain it to you then. I'm trying to - be nice to you here

Posted: Nov 28th, 2019 - 11:08 am In Reply to: No I did not get it. It was insensitive. - YBOAH, nm

When someone says "stick a fork in me, I'm done," it means they are finished doing something. It's as if they are food that's been cooked, so someone can stick them with a fork and eat them. It's just a silly saying. In this case, someone expressed that we were all failing to communicate, not you in particular, so it was not targeting you. They didn't want to communicate anymore, so they said the stick a fork in me saying, meaning they were finished posting. It was not personally directed at you. I'm just trying to help you out here with some friendly advice. Try not to take everything posted personally. It is often not directed at you personally. Try to avoid snapping at people who have not done or said a single thing to insult or accuse you. That's what a lot of people are finding hard to take. You do own part of the problem here. Maybe people have been short and accusatory with you, but some people's feelings have been hurt. If you want to be a productive member of this forum, you need to play nice.


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