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Someone obviously so bitter and angry with the world - that they feel the need to stir trouble sm

Posted: Nov 27th, 2019 - 7:35 am In Reply to: Almost - Famous

on here. Even negative attention is better than none. Posting such garbage only "to get everyone riled up" is trying to hurt others in order to make themself feel better than anyone else, a little power in their own petty and sad little mind.

They stated "you MTs" which makes me wonder - are they even an MT? It doesn't matter, it's either a very bitter and angry MT or someone who for their own odd reasons chose this board to harass.

They posted they supposedly dont care what someone else's post meant, but they sure care enough to come here to read all the responses and continue responding back. Seems like quite a few hateful responses to many different posts here lately.

Such a sad, ugly, bitter person despite the predictable protests that may be coming of how wonderful their life is.

Possible severe depression that causes someone to lash out at everything else but the real cause for their ugly and hateful personality.

I would suggest reporting all these hateful posts, but I'm also assuming the monitors will let it go because of the controversy caused drives more traffic here for the advertisers. That in and of itself is sad.

Bitter Angry Poster, Party of One, your table is ready.


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