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"see how things you say antagonize people." - YBOAH, sm

Posted: Nov 27th, 2019 - 12:18 pm In Reply to: This poster was responding to the OP, - the original poster

The posse I refer to has nothing to do with just me. Let's see, ML for one, and as I said, I have posted here for many years, and seen your behavior at your bad behavior being pointed out to you and then you turn the tables on the person you have upset by your comments and remarks that are geared at upsetting and inciting chaos. I have no paranoia going on here. I'm just joining in a conversation with someone who is attacking me for voicing my opinion. "I don't see that you have a long future here unless you change your nickname and start acting in a civil manner so no one will suspect it's you." Those are all nice comments that you're doling out there.


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