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It is shameful....... - see message

Posted: Nov 27th, 2019 - 10:44 am In Reply to: Keystrokes - Tired of this

that you choose to belittle and bully the KS employees who are in this horrible position, not receiving their paychecks on time, and who may not know LT and know of her past history. It is true there are not many MT jobs out there. It is none of your business and all I can say is wow, I am wondering how you were raised and why you are such an awful person. I know LT personally, I know her style, know her past history and know she is good at getting people to believe in her I was one of them. I have great sympathy for these people not only because of what is happening to them but because they have hope in this company and hope LT will do the right thing. Again if you are sick of reading posts about KS, pass them by and if the posts bother you so much, posts that don't concern you, you may want to go see your physician for some Xanax.


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