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Have a Good Cry - For A Few Days/A Week

Posted: Nov 1st, 2019 - 4:09 pm In Reply to: Services no longer needed.... - Nikki

I didn't get services no longer needed, but did choose to quit a few years back. It felt horrible. I think it always feels more horrible when you're "let go," but since they make it near impossible to pass their audits, it's almost the same difference. Gone is gone.

So, cry in your beer (or cola, whatever), lick your wounds.....let yourself feel it all, then buck up and carry on.

Doing a resume with this company can be difficult because of so many buy-outs. I just put "blah, blah, formerly such and such." And so on, with the dates. For references, I put "so-and-so, last contact information, "such and such." If you don't have any contact info, just go to their website and use that number.

And very good luck to you!


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