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I had a longtime - friend (sm)

Posted: Oct 30th, 2019 - 9:23 pm In Reply to: Services no longer needed.... - Nikki

who started way, way back, I'm talking some 38 years ago as well, and when she retired, nothing. Not a Happy Retirement, nothing from this company that has changed names so many times and screwed over so many MTs.

Another company I worked for back in 2014 did the same thing to me that you're going through. Just all of a sudden after almost 4 years, I was no longer good enough. I got that same call. I was an employee. Fortunately, the manager actually had me doing a special dictator on the side that no one else wanted to do and she said she'd be a reference for me. I should really contact her and get her on my resume. I haven't done so.

All I'm saying is, this is a blessing in disguise. Take your time and find yourself again. This too shall pass. It's a loss, I'm not denying that fact. It's also a hit to the gut. It feels surreal for a bit. But, there is life after these companies that do not care. It takes some getting used to.

I've tried some jobs outside the home, and I find that I don't fit in so much. I am still trying. It's difficult to leave a comfort zone and venture out when all you've known is this.

God Bless You! You're a great transcriptionist, I have no doubt. It's these companies and their bottom line. It's so unfortunate.

Here's a great big virtual hug to you! Hang in there! It's time for a new phase in your life.

Best wishes to anyone else facing this as well at M-Modal. It's not you, it's them. Trust me on this one! (hugs)


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