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Company Board

Yeah, seriously. Not everyone is a total scumbag. - sm

Posted: Jun 14th, 2019 - 1:01 pm In Reply to: Seriously? - Anon

Try to keep in mind that is costs a company time and money to bring someone on board and get them up to speed. With Aussie companies, this ramp-up time may take a bit longer. Therefore, it is not in an Aussie company's best interest to lie to a candidate about VDI only to risk you leaving soon after starting. THEY WANT YOU TO STAY WITH THEM because, believe it or not, you are considered valuable - not because they are being nice but because it is in their interests financially to not lose you.

It would appear that US MTSOs don't value the MT, mainly because the labor market is saturated here and there's a glut of MTs that will or must tolerate VDI, and US MTSOs know that if you leave, there's another MT in the wings to take your place. That truly sucks.


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