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Company Board

Precise Transcripts? - Curious

Posted: Apr 30th, 2019 - 2:28 am

I received an email inviting me to test for a "medical and legal typist" position with this company.  I think they are out of New Jersey.  I was looking over the instructions for the test and all I can say is WOW.  My head is spinning and I haven't even finished reading all of them.  These instructions are about as clear as mud and there are WAY too many of them!  They want 10 minutes of transcription done for the test, which seems like a lot, especially when I'm already completley confused and overwhelmed just from going over these extenstive instructions.  Has anyone ever worked for this company?  Is taking this test, or at least TRYING to take this test even worth the aggravation and headache?  I already have a pretty good job, but was considering taking this on as supplemental income.  Any information on this company woud be greatly appreciated as I would like to know more before I even touch this test.  


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