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Here are the instructions - SM

Posted: May 1st, 2019 - 3:08 pm In Reply to: Always wary when they want a long test - Sunny

Am I being overly wary? This seems a bit much for a test to me....

Client Guidelines.doc

———————————————————————————————————————————PRECISETranscripts♦ 45North Broad St Ridgewood, NJ 07450♦ 201-677-8496Page 1of 2Client TranscriptGuidelinesAnything not found in this guide, default to the DHR guide.Filename:Refer to test instructionsInformation Sheet(PDFfile located in same folder as the audio):Use the accompanying document to get the information needed for the top portion of the first page as well as other valuable information.TemplatePlease use the template provided.Ensure each page has 25 lines.There is no macro for this work.Speaker IDS: When referring to parties in transcriptions, the party name should not exceed 10 characters.If it is more than 10 characters, it shall be abbreviated, and the abbreviation shall be in the header on the first page. For example, Officer Sherman would be abbreviated as OS: Any unidentified parties should be referred to as Unknown Male 1 or Unknown Male 2, which would be abbreviated UM1 and UM2, respectively.One tab should be inserted after the speaker ID.Style:STRICT VERBATIM -type everything, including ums and uhs.Commas do not need to go before ums and/or uhs.A single dash should go between repeated ums and/or uhs.e.g. I uh -uh, went to the um, store.Dotype partial words.Paragraphs:Do NOT make paragraphs.Interruptions/Self-Interruptions and Trail Offs:Use a single dash for a self-interruption.Use three regular dots (not the ellipsis character) for an interruption by another person, the continuation of that interruption and/or if someone trails off, i.e. doesn't complete their sentence at the end of their speech.
———————————————————————————————————————————PRECISETranscripts♦ 45North Broad St Ridgewood, NJ 07450♦ 201-677-8496Page 2of 2Inaudible/Unintelligible/Phonetic/Interposing:Strictly use (unintelligible) when necessary. Remember to capitalize the U when it is the start of a sentence.Use (Crosstalk) for any inaudible speech to people speaking over each other.Use (phonetic) the first time a word appears that is phonetically spelled in the document. Do not use (phonetic) when you are guessing at a word that is not a proper noun.Laughter/Coughs:Indicate when it is relevant to the text as (laughs) or (laughter) or (coughs).Affirmative/Negative Mumbling Replies:Use mm-hm for a positive reply. Do not put (affirmative) after it.Use uh-uh for a negative reply.Note these are not set rules, type these as close as possible to what you hear keeping with the flavor of the verbatim.Periods of Silence:In the event of a period of silence of more than one minute, indicate (Silence xx:xx:xx -xx:xx:xx) on its own line with the timestamps.Foreign LanguageIf you hear any foreign language, indicate in the transcript as follows: ((Spanish Spoken))Notice there are two parentheses. This should be with the Speaker ID as usual, i.e.:UM1: ((Spanish Spoken))Finishing Touches for the PRECISEProofer:Check the top portion of the first page has been correctly filled out.Ensure there are 25 lines on the final page


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