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Word Help Board

Re: The trailing zero...sm - Old Anon

Posted: Apr 28th, 2019 - 6:33 am In Reply to: Leading/trailing zero; number order - Mellin

Per BOS 3, p. 243, when the decimal point and zero following a whole number are dictated to emphasize the preciseness of a measurement, e.g., of a pathology specimen or a laboratory value, transcribe them as dictated. Do not, however, insert the decimal point and zero if they are not dictated. So you are correct, and you could pass this info along to QA or whomever is telling you not to do this. BUT if they insist on having it their way, I'm afraid you probably have to because those who pay you can make the rules, unfortunately. As far as the order of measurements, I've never heard of that one. I've been transcribing for over 35 years and have always transcribed as dictated. I don't think it is up to use to re-order the numbers. Do you have any sort of reference for that, other than you learned it in college?


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