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Well, that's a reasonable reading, and it would be - No Soup for You! :)

Posted: Jul 9th, 2017 - 2:34 pm In Reply to: By my reading, all production hours from - weeks ending both 07/07 and 07/14

a nice surprise, but the person who called people on my account specifically to see if we had the necessary installs done yet and explain the bonus system (this was early on) said that would not apply to me unless I wanted to go for, say, that $1000? (That would have been worth some extra work, but couldn't disrupt my schedule that much.) Fwiw, it wasn't a conference call, but one-on-one.

We'll see. Everyone who talked with us had obviously been knocked for a loop, flooded with new learning experiences themselves, working their derrieres off, and it was still just the beginning of getting control of their part of the production crisis, so I'm not complaining about any of them. For sure I was not mislead in the wrong way, though, and I won't bother holding my breath.


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