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Just for balance, I work park time here and was not - RainyDay

Posted: Jul 9th, 2017 - 11:16 am In Reply to: So Enrich made 1000 bonus clearer?? - ss

available to work over 40 hours, sadly. Sadly, because there has been lots of work consistently on my account. and I imagine lots of people have been earning that bonus.

Reading posts here, I do think it was very poorly done not to explain that bonus would, of necessity, only be available to those working on accounts that were sufficiently "up" soon enough to provide that work.

Fwiw, I worked extra hours last week just out of concern for the medical center with no extra incentive pay at all, even the time and a half full-timers get as a matter of course, because that starts at 8 hours/day. But I was at least well aware of being cut out going in.


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