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Probably true. - MTfor years

Posted: Jul 5th, 2017 - 11:55 am In Reply to: Nuance getting out of medical documentation? - naname443

I can't help but agree. I have always believed that they were interested in gobbling up the MT companies more to gain control of the software than necessarily wanting to build a transcription empire. The obvious increasing dependence on the India workforce has possibly been the desire to fully move that side of things to them and let them manage it and just happily pocket the profits. I have watched the high turnover in the submanagement levels over the years as well as the pay schedule just tank into the toilet with no apologies. It seems quite evident that they want MTs to quit and have a full excuse to give everything to India. Conspiracy theorists might even opine that Nuance could have been a major player in constructing this whole cyber attack scenario to create an environment in which they could file bankruptcy and never be questioned why. My transcription antennae sounded off many years ago when I was there and I left before the "grid" was put into action.

But, to play devil's advocate, we all have known for a long time that our profession is dying. For those, like me, who cling to keeping our jobs until age 65 must take responsibility for staying in our field. It is our choice. The first time we saw Indians on the forums looking for jobs was the first clue, Ladies, and that was what 10 years ago, or more? The days of loyalty to us are gone.

We love what we do. We are a unique breed. We are perfectionists, word warriors, and all around good eggs. Hopefully this loss of clientele by Nuance will be a blessing to us all. Just don't wait too long before you make a decision to go elsewhere or do something completely different for an income. Good luck one and all.


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