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Obviously, everyone needs to try for unemployment - without being told and without SM

Posted: Jul 5th, 2017 - 10:44 am In Reply to: Nuance getting out of medical documentation? - redmaj

blindly trusting Nuance, or waiting, waiting, waiting for your jobs to come back up. How long are some of you going to sit there and wait? Until you get an eviction notice on your door? Until your utilities are shut off?

"has anyone been told..." what little you've all been told has been shared here. Do you think any of the MTs are holding back information? It's the management that's not telling anything.

Why do some of you have to be told this kind of thing over and over again?

Dont you remember how you're all treated day after day after day? The horror stories of Fiasco scores, pay slashed from Fiasco comma logic, no communication on other issues, unreasonable QA, and haven't any of you read this board in the past of all the negative things?

And let's not forget this current clustermuck going on and lack of decent communication.

crash and burn is right, that's what's happening and you all sit there and continue handing them tinder and more matches and then cry when you burn.

My sympathy is waning day by day when I hear all this "has anyone been told..." foolishness.

Seriously, people.


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