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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 52)

Just try harder... - oh sure

Posted: Oct 28th, 2016 - 4:07 pm

QAM says we are making too many errors and it has gotten worse lately. Just try harder. Maybe if the increase in lph requirement has something to do with this??? Go faster, produce more..... and you think we have time.

Last week, TSM alluded to, despite passing audits, if a certain (unstated) percentage of jobs have minor errors, you might be in trouble anyway. So, I guess passing audits does not give you any safety.

I have had my blanks percentage brought up, but heck, 75% of those jobs had client required blanks or discrepancies. I only had 1 job where I actually did not know an instrument name and could not find it in previous reports or an internet search.


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