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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 46)

Regarding blanks. - oh sure

Posted: Oct 28th, 2016 - 7:12 pm In Reply to: We can only do so much. - mom2huskies

One week I kept track of all job numbers with blanks and the reason why (category, i.e. discrepancy, CP required, audio problems, etc.). Then, I went through and counted up the number of each category. I subtracted the number of required and discrepancy jobs with blanks and then calculated what the percentage of blanks for other blanks was, which turned out to be way way under the maximum percentage. I then sent all the statistical information to my TSM. I was not on PM, but I get aggravated about the percentage of blanks being commented on and the fact that most (nearly all) are not my fault and were required.


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