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Me too - very frustrated and sad MT

Posted: Oct 30th, 2016 - 4:37 pm In Reply to: Meeting for line count Monday... - CG

I have tried so hard to make line count but I have a ton of overflow from everyone else, 98% ESL, all dictators I'm unfamiliar with. I have barely been here a year. I was one of the lucky ones who started off with great accounts/dictators. That ended pretty quick. I was put on PM the beginning of September. By the end of Sept, I was on verbal warning. I was just informed that, as of Nov 2, I will be on written warning. My quality and audits are 99.7% to 100%. It's all about line count for me. I've done everything they ask, helped out when needed, always on time, but I'm starting to believe it doesn't matter.

I was under the impression that you had about 6 weeks between PM steps, but not in my case. If this continues as it is, I'll be out of job my Christmas/New Year. I need this job, I take it very seriously and it's all I do during the week, yet still I can't make this line count because of all the revolving accounts. How do people get 200 to 300 lph like this?


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