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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 56)

Boy that is a deep cow dung. - dnr

Posted: Oct 28th, 2016 - 1:47 pm In Reply to: Recruitment - rip

I am down to minimum wage with this poor excuse for VR, which is 99.9% of the work we receive. Your ability to earn is severely affected by the quality of the VR. Some people are lucky, a lot of us are not. Base VR pay is 4 pennies a line. It can be more (but not much more) if you come in with a lot of experience. In addition to receiving multiple, multiple accounts during a shift, some client demand instructions are like reading a mini novel, and not very well written to boot, with little gotchas hidden. They have also recently upped the required lines per hour to 165 "because everyone was doing so well." Heck, I was having trouble meeting the previous 150. Sound quality has become so bad that I can no longer use my head phones. They don't pay me enough to lose my hearing. Plus, nothing is done to make it better, and nothing is done regarding the deteriorating dictation habits of doctors. With some reports, I spend most of my time listening to doctors slurping food which totally grosses me out. Can't say enough bad things about working here. The only positive is you get paid on time. Some people are making money, but they must be getting a lot of standards as a few counts are not very believable mathematically wise.


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