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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 55)

Info - sm

Posted: Oct 28th, 2016 - 11:57 am In Reply to: Recruitment - rip

The SHDA is a hybrid of an editor and QA. They have replaced the QA department. If there is nothing to QA, then they edit/transcribe. Your pay will vary greatly depending on your base rate. (you won't get paid by the hour).
Here are my rates and I've been here for over 10 years.
Base (standard transcription) - 8 cpl
Editing - 4.8 cpl
Filling in blanks (QA) - 3 cpl
100% review (QA) - 4 cpl (although it may be 5 now)

You get the worst of the worst and get audited just as much if not more than editors/transcribers. Your coworkers will hate you even though you're just trying to help since corrections are only left as feedback, so be sure everything you correct on QA is verifiable and not your personal preference.

Oh, and lots of ILPs to correct. (International Labor Partners, aka India, Philippines, etc)


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