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Nuance Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 46)

I just checked Enrich and from what I gather - they "listened" to our complaints

Posted: Aug 11th, 2016 - 12:37 pm In Reply to: Can you please share your platform--sm - anon

and checked with ADHI and now all reports regardless of length will start out as 100% and points will be deducted from that. The point percentages will not change (minor error, etc.) Also, now you can only send 5% to QA and not 10% or less. The rest were just a bunch of worksheets.

I didn't see anything about getting rid of the grid, but I'm sure this change is not in our favor which does not surprise me - every year, this company thinks of a way to screw us.

You would think that the people who have the CRED behind their name would get some sort of bonus for being over 99.5%. If I'm not going to get more money, they can keep their stupid badges and titles - what's the point?


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