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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 52)

Amphion Triton line counts as explained during training - Been around

Posted: Aug 6th, 2016 - 5:10 pm

I went through initial training and walked away.  On the very 1st day were told that if you transcribe 99 lines you should expect 33 to be taken away due to no pay for lines and spaces, hence you are only paid for 66 lines.  In addition you are not compensated for all of the demographic entries; there is a screen for that and the proper visit ID then another pops up where you enter DOS and yet another before you back out of there.  Then there is a screen for entering surgeon, attending, consulting, PCP and copies.  Those screens are quite cumbersome.  Good luck to those of you who are desperate enough to work there. 


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