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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 56)

Left out several details--adjusted VR,VBC, head - and foot-Do The Math

Posted: Aug 12th, 2016 - 5:23 pm In Reply to: You left out one detail. - Clarity

.09 line after adjustment of ---
1. Subtract approximately 33% for VR
2. Subtract approximately 33% for VBC
3. Subtract approximately 10-12% for no headings and no subheadings.

so---you say you started with a normal 100 line document--
1. down to 66 lines
2. down to 43.5 lines
3. down to 39.2 (only took the 10% off)

39.2 x 0.09 = 3.52

COMPARED TO A DOCUMENT OF rest of normal counting world
at VR rate of 0.04 cents

100 x 0.04 = 4.00

AND this does not take into consideration the loss of headers and footers (what 4 lines per document maybe)

so add 0.16 to the normal counting 100 line document and it is

$4.16 versus $3.52 -- that is 15.4% less pay than normal world.


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