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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 46)

Another point to consider - sm

Posted: Aug 12th, 2016 - 2:07 pm In Reply to: You left out one detail. - Clarity

The line rate is only higher because the line length is longer. It does not equate to that much higher than elsewhere, if at all. There are too many hidden numbers with Amphion. The pay is too hard to understand, probably on purpose. Having to keep track of job numbers you complete is absolutely ridiculous!! We should be able to trust the platform to be accurate and that we will be paid for ALL jobs. Not paying for headings and subheadings on the Triton account is nothing but a pay cut. The headings and subheadings on these accounts are a nightmare!!! If they are in the client specs to be a certain way, and no other way, even if dictated, they should come out that way or be dictated that way. The dictators should be made aware of that also, in addition to not dictating "twice a day," etc. Fighting with these headings and subheadings when we do not even get paid for them is about as dirty as a company can get. While I am at it, "templates" normally are easy lines for the MT. While we do get paid for lines not edited or typed, we do have to actually type in these "templates" which we are paid the VR rate for so they are nothing but a pain. The specs on these accounts are ridiculous. I could understand it if they still had in-house MTs, but they don't. Their decision. No one should have to refer to specs this much. I am losing interest in this job fast. Just waiting for the cut in PTO next. Why would you even want to keep the name Amphion? You may have once had a good reputation with your clients, but it is slowly declining with the MTs that you are taking advantage of like this. Cut in pay and cut in PTO? Seriously.....


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