A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

PATHETIC PAY - Pollyanna

Posted: Nov 25, 2013

I lost my home of 21 years last year due to Nuance's pay cuts. Now I have a car that needs major repair and I have no money to repair it. How much lower do they expect their employees to go??  I have no credit cards and no access to money for car repairs, a decent place to live and they berate the quality of my work when no one ever has before.  This company is throwing me to the curb and they could care less!

We aren't human beings to them. - Nelly

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They don't know us. We are invisible drones, nothing more. They don't care if we go homeless or hungry. I wish I knew how to get out of this business. People on this board are quick to tell you to just get another job, but I have no other skills and I've no money to pay for a class to acquire them. I cry almost daily because of how low this company has made me feel. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope you can take a little solace in knowing you aren't alone.

Nelly - Old Pro

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I am not sure if this is helpful to you, but is there any way you could quality for job retraining so you could train for a job outside of MT? Perhaps someone on here will know more about the current status of job retraining programs, etc. and can help you. I surely hope so. This just makes me sad.

so sorry - they are EVIL. nm

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pathetic pay - 7thchild

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I have two very dear friends I met back when we all worked for Transcriptions Ltd. They both lost their home when switching over to VR. I feel like they cut us off at the knees!

7thchild - Ex-TL

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I very nearly went bankrupt after MQ took over TL and began shaving our lines.

Unfortunately its not just Nuance. MT just ain't what - it used to be. You must know this

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or else you would have moved on and increased your earnings to improve your situation. I'm sorry for your personal situation, but many people have lost their homes over the past couple of years. You sound very bitter and quite honestly, this only allows Nuance that more control over your life. Don't let that happen. You knew a year ago things wouldn't get better and now a year later another financial crisis has come up (car repairs). Maybe it's time to move on to greener pastures? In all honesty, you can't blame Nuance for all of it or you'd have found those greener pastures before now, wouldn't you?

Good luck and remember, in the end it is YOU who desides your destiny.

Advice for you - sm

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Don't waste your finger strength.. the posters here don't want help from people like you or me. They'd much rather sit in their pit of poor me and blame the world around them for their situation.

Advice for YOU - yes

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I hope someday you get a heart.

More advice for you - Wasting breath here

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Why did you continue working there? If your pay was dropping and you lost your home, and things still did not get better, why didn't you make plans to get out? You are not forced to remain in that job.

When working conditions deteriorate and pay is slashed, people find new jobs. What reason is there to suffer that kind of abuse or misfortune?

It isn't going to get better. Nothing is going to save that job. I don't think you have any idea why, either.

Companies who are developing front-end speech systems do not intend to have any MTs involved in the process. There is no need for them. The system produces a report right in front of the physician. It does not go to the company to be transcribed. These companies still have MTs because they train the speech software and because a selling point in getting lucrative software contracts is that the displaced facility MTs appear to get great jobs.

Before someone says that MTs are necessary to prevent critical errors, it is the physician's responsibility to do that. When he suees the transcript appear in front of his eyes, he will fix it. MTs are unable to identify truly critical errors because they do not have the entire patient record, and most do not have the education required to do it. The "errors" that companies hound you about are primarily inconsequential cosmetic issues. (Yes, I am aware that you disagree. I see it from a facility perspective and I'm telling you it is inconsequential.)

Is there a role for someone to monitor documentation accuracy and completeness? Yes, but not as an MT. Those in this new role don't FIX the errors themselves, but serve more of an auditing function, asking the doctor to fix it and educating. They look at medicolegal issues, as well as reimbursement-related issues. This new job ranges from documentation review at some facilities to a specialized, certified role in clinical documentation improvement. It pays quite well. Many former MTs are now doing this, but they had to get more education first. See www.acdis.org.

That is where the MT jobs are going. You need to hear this and get out.

Look for public assistance or some kind of retraining program. Get employment counseling--there are loads of programs for minorities and homeless that can help you. Get any job you can and work back up.

I got out. Others got out. You are now seeing WHY we got out. The longer you remain, the worse it is going to become.

I just waste my breath here. No one listens.

It seems like for every post of an actual MT venting - there are 3 more patronizing, sanctimonious I told

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Or are they really? This is almost psychological warfare. People come on here to vent and commiserate, not to be kicked when they are down. I just don't get the point. Even if I had "moved on" and "bettered myself" I would not have the stones (or the time - what, all your new jobs are so great you can spend hours on this list giving horrible non-pep talks to us pathetic MTs?) to come on and tell everyone else what to do with their lives.

I suspect most people have reasons for staying in MT. In my case I live in a rural area where if I got another job the pay would not be more plus I would have transportation and other costs I don't have now. Plus I still love the work and have a lot of pets. So sue me. How much better off are you people anyway, really?

Could you really be concern trolls here to shame us into quitting? Seems ridiculous, but the numbers of sanctimonious, patronizing ex-MTs who are doing so much better now, yet have plenty of time to tell you what for have multiplied and become more obnoxious. One has to wonder.

The problem - Patronizing and sanctimonious

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If you like your job and it meets your needs, then why are you here complaining about it?

The OP lost her home and now has no car. Yet you feel she is happy with her job? Really?

How, exactly, do you see that job working out for her?

Suggesting that folks need to get out fast because there will soon be no jobs is not kicking people. It is advice meant to help. We see things that you apparently cannot.

You wonder if we are really doing better? Yes, absolutely. So much better fhat you would accuse me of lying if I told you how much.

Okay then, I challenge you who know so much - and are trying to help
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If you are doing so much better and think we can also, please share and maybe help us get out (why do I see an infomercial coming?).

Sometimes it is very difficult and you simply cannot better yourself. No point in making a lateral move, except for maybe the fact that when you go to the bathroom it is on their time for a change and you might actually get a holiday off (even in "real" jobs you are often on shift work and have to work holidays, so no guarantees).

So spill your big success story and maybe help some people, don't just spin the same garbage about this dying profession. You think we don't know that? We do.

I personally would rather wait it out and hope to at least get UE out of the deal (never claimed in my life) rather than moving to a crappy low paid job that does not involve using my intellect at all - this one does, still keeps my brain going and gives me a source of pride in what I do, and that is why I stay, despite the obvious lack of rewards.
OP is already in a crappy, low-paying job. She is choosing - to stay in that crappy job. nm
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I apologize in advance for the bluntness - Up2here
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Your biggest obstacle is contained in your last paragraph. You would rather sit in an unhappy situation and risk losing what you have until it gets to the point (you hope) where you can collect money for doing nothing, and you feel completely justified in this viewpoint.

I feel badly for those who have lost much due to the downturn in the economic situation, but most of what I am seeing here (not just your post) is clearly victim mentality and an unwillingness (not inability) to even look for anything better. I am not talking about changing careers. I don't necessarily feel that this profession is dying, although it certainly is changing drastically, and there are other MT positions out there.
No I don't think you apologize - for anything at all
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I do not have a victim mentality at all, I actually love the work, do you get that? I simply feel the tradeoff between doing any other job I am qualified to do (very little) would mean I would accept a job similarly low in pay and very much worse in quality of work.

I am in no danger of "losing what I have" with Nuance, I am doing very well by their standards in terms of line count, even QA for the most part. The problem is they lowered our pay so much you can be excellent and still be lucky to make much more than $12 an hour. Again, that is still more than I could make anywhere else where I live and I have had enough jobs to know I like this one, despite the fact they are pulling every underhanded trick in the book to reduce our pay.

I do not hope I can collect money for doing nothing, I am merely stating that if this profession is as doomed as all you naysayers out there say it is, well, I'm in it for the long haul, so if that is the end, so be it. I would absolutely love to get UE for once in my life and don't tell me I don't deserve it.

I already tried changing jobs, but I actually like editing rather than straight typing and clinic work bored me to tears, also the pay was worse, but at least they didn't have to feed their investors like Nuance, and though I respected the company, I actually came back to Nuance because, again, I like the work.

Is there anything better? I don't think so in this line of work when you want editing. The two big MTSOs buy up everything and their reward is monopolizing the industry so they can pay peanuts.

I am not a victim, but hey let's call a spade a spade. The reason we are all going broke is not because we are doing anything differently, it's because we based our lives on a decent income and then they halved it. End of story. At least have a little sympathy for that side of it, will you? Or are you going to tell us your thrifty savings habits that helped you do much better than the rest of us?

You call it victim mentality, but I prefer to just call it the plain old truth. Everyone who goes on about how the industry is "changing" is just a buzzword for "take less pay and like it" to me. There is really no way to make even close to what I was making 3 years ago, unless I work 60 hours a week and two jobs, so do me a favor and if you don't want to hear people commiserating and venting, please go over to some self help group and spread your wisdom there.
I apologized for the bluntness, not the point of view... - Up2here
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If we are going to call a spade a spade, then let's do that. You obviously simply chose to be offended by the post without actually reading it since if you are not doing badly and unhappy it was not directed at you. However, if you are the poster to whom I actually replied your last paragraph stated that you were waiting it out until you could get unemployment rather than look for something else better.

You also, in your comments, lump me into a group of "naysayers" when I specifically mentioned that I do not feel that this profession is doomed.

I also stated that I felt badly for those who have lost so much to the current economic crisis that so many find themselves in presently, so I am sympathetic. BUT---to know that you are not making enough to make ends meet and simply stand by and do nothing is ludicrous. After you lose your home, you do not sit and wait for the next brick to drop on your head. You apply to every other available job you can find to better your situation.

If you (not you personally) are doing that and never getting called, you may want to take a look at your skills.

There are MT jobs out there. There are good MT jobs out there where you won't take less pay, but you don't find them by whining about where you are now.

I understand hating your job and wanting out. I understand feeling trapped. I sympathize with both feelings, but it will NEVER get better if you do nothing. The trick is to realize that you are trapping yourself. Shrug off your chains and be free. No one is going to read this board and say, "Gee, I see you hate your job at so and so, and I see that they treat you disrespectfully and pay you poorly, and you are probably really good at what you do so I will give you the job of your dreams."

Disclaimer: My use of the word "you" in this post is not directed at any one person in particular. I am using the word in the sense of the collective you.
Are you on some sort of lecture - crusade for the holidays?
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Yes, yes, yes! Thank you. - With you all the way. nm
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is that you Working Coder? - I recognize your style
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if you can call it that.

Nobody is patronizing or rallying for the obnoxious. For - someone to claim they lost

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their home and blame it on the company they are working for, yet a year later have another financial issue and still blaming the company they are working for just seems a bit odd don't you think? While it may self server the OP to have someone to blame, I just think she'd be better served seeking a solution. Nuance is not the root all evils. If the other companies were better off, the OP would have recognized that and moved on to one of them, don't you think?

Rather than play the blame game, maybe she can focus her energy into exploring other options? Maybe this is something she just isn't seeing and maybe needs that pointed out? It's not patronizing or condescending advice, it's reality and sometimes we ALL need a good dose of that.

Even if working at home is convenient for many of the reasons you state, is it really fair to still blame a company for one's financial issue in that case? It sounds more like a case of wanting your cake and eating it too, doesn't it?

Maybe start with small steps and what better time than Thanksgiving. Maybe start with being thankful to even have a job. How many American's currently don't even have that? Once productive people are suddenly finding themselves unemployed (many for the first time ever in their lives) and losing homes, cars and everything they've worked so hard for.

Start with being thankful for the little things and then build from that. Remember, there are always those who are worse off and realizing that MAY just help the OP look at her situation in a different light. We all have options, but what works from some, might not work for others. You have to find the balance that works for your individual situation.
Blaming has worked rather well for B.O. - MT
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who's B.O.? - Im dense nm
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I agree. Dont waste your time hoping MT will get better - went back to school myself

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will graduate with my associate's in May and go to University in the summer. My low pay allows me a Pell grant to go to school for free. I also have an ebay account and sell things there. There is always a way. You must at least attempt to help yourself before you complain about losing your house, your car, etc. I think too often people throw their hands up when things don't go the way they planned their life. Don't give up just look for something better. It doesn't have to be a whole new job. You could crochet and sell products tax free on the buy/sell/trade pages on Facebook. MT isn't the end all be all. You do have options. Explore them

Wasting breath - MT headed

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I was laid off from my job after 18 years as an MT for the same employer. I went from MT to a clinical documentation position. I perform documentation review for accuracy and completion as you describe. It was a newly created position when the need arose due to outsourcing and the use of VR at my facility. I had been working as a medical records clerk when I was offered the job. I happened to be in the right place at the right time, my manager only sees my role expanding in the future. I did take a salary cut when my MT job ended but I've already had a raise and I am working back up. Clinical documentation jobs are the perfect fit for MTs and more and more of them will be opening up as time goes on. I have said the same thing as you. Please realize that it is what it is and do something else, no one is keeping you at Nuance or wherever else it is that you work and hate. The constant complaining is getting old. If that makes me a "troll" or some of the other names I've been called, so be it. Just do what you have to do or continue to wallow in self pity, the choice is yours. I drive an old car too but public transportation is always an option.

Does this new job you describe have a title? - former MM employee

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Not interested for myself as I have just retired. I am curious, however.

Yes - MT headed

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Clinical documentation specialist.
Thanks - former MM employee
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Even though I am retired, I still have friends who are MTs. I will suggest this to them.

What does it matter? MT as a title means nothing - now. nm

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Because - former MM employee
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I wanted to research the new job she is describing to see what the qualifications are. It might be an option for those who are younger than I am and are looking for a way out. Clinical documentation specialist is not an MT.
It is a completely different job - It is not MT
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The post by Wasting Breath pointed that out. It said there were two jobs related to documentation review and improvement. It gave a website where you could see what CDI was.

Certified role in clinical documentation improvement? - WhatsThisJob

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So MTs are getting into "certified role in clinical documentation improvement?" Another job you get trained for and then there are no openings more than likely. Never heard of this. Could you elaborate? If being an MT for 30+ years does not qualify one to do this particular job, what would?

There is a website in that post - Suggest looking there

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but it doesn't explain the training - or where to get it
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can anyone shed a little light? How do you get trained for this? I see mentions of ICD-10 - is this a coding job?
Here is a link - See the link
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Do you just sit waiting for others to tell you what to do??? Is that the difference between those who got out and those who remain? There has been no one to lead you out?

You have to lift a finger. Go to the website I linked. There is a career map. You do not need a degree for some of fhe entry jobs on that map. Many people start there and get education, then move up or over, get some more, move again.

As for not having any skills, that's silly. MT skills transfer into many of the jobs listed there.

thanks for reminding me why I don't like to post here - sm
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I had just never heard of this before and the original link talked only about getting certified. Remember: Be sure to throw in sarcasm and ridicule. It's always so helpful.
The original link was to the entire website - ???????
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It linked to the entire ACDIS website! That is the homepage.

All you had to do was click on things! Look down the left side of the page for links to specific information.

There is even a course listed there.

all the course links I see - talk about coding
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but thanks anyway.
Looks like it is a coding job - Old School
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AHIMA is about coding - there was no need to be snippy. We are all looking for a way to get out of here.
AHIMA is about more than coding - CDI is not "a coding" job, ether
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but seems to require some knowledge of coding - nm
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Nearly everything in and around HIM and CDI - requires some knowledge of coding
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Most of the jobs in healthcare admin do require some knowledge of coding.

You missed the point, though, that there were TWO jobs. One is in documentation review, which requires little, if anything, more than what you now have.

well - did job search
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Minimum Qualifications:

テモテつァ Education:
Degree in Nursing or Medical Records

テモテつァ Experience:

3-5 years acute care nursing experience; or 3 years inpatient coding experience.

テモテつァ Licensure and/or Certification:

Current RN license and/or AHIMA Coding Certification

This is for the clinical documentation specialist job at Emerson Hospital in Massachusetts. There was nothing in my area. If you have a job like this, I congratulate you, but I doubt they would hire an MT.
Well, maybe someone with a less defeatist attitude - might be interested
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No one said you could get THAT job tomorrow.

thank you! - very helpful!
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we are trying to figure out how to get into this field. We are not familiar with it. Posts like yours are just so very helpful and informative! Appreciate it!
www.ahima.org - Start there
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That is an informative starting place. There is a tab for careers or something similar.

I saw the same. All wanted at least 3 yrs exp - or certification/license nm
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That is a problem for you, why? - You are missing the point
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TWO different jobs were mentioned. One requires NOTHING MORE than what you have ... documentation review. It is done by people just like yourselves. They check for accuracy, completeness, signatures, and to see that required documentation was done. You have to look in HIM departments for that. Those jobs ARE NOT at that website.

The other job is what you see at the ACDIS website. Those jobs are in clinical documentation improvement, or CDI. Those jobs do require at least a 2-year degree or certification, or experience. We posted that as an example of something you could work towards.

We told you about the career map on the AHIMA website so you could see those jobs and others.

MT used to be contained in the HIM field, but I think that the switch to training through MT schools and at-home employment through MTSOs has blinded you to the fact that you are working in a larger field and that you have opportunities to move forward in it.

It is very frustrating to try to help you when all you do is give it half a look and whine about how it won't work.

CDI - MT Headed
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I have a coding background (took a structured course) but have never coded for a living. I have also done MT for 30 years. Most of the CD specialist jobs do want you to have a coding background, but you can learn that. I'm currently working on the transcription side reviewing reports for compliance but I also work on special projects and do data abstraction. Some CD specialists perform coding review, some help to educate providers in regard to deficiencies. There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle and the jobs range from entry level (where I am) to advanced, which would come with credentialing. If you are an MT looking to make a move and have any time left to work at all, I'd say it's worth checking out. I don't see any of this being a work at home situation, however. The information was put out there for people if anyone is interested. I think it is definitely more viable than going from one MT job to the next and hoping for things to get better. Being an MT is not the only thing people are capable of doing, and I know that all of you deserve better than McDonald's or Wal-Mart, which I often see mentioned as employers who pay better. That's great, but there's not much job satisfaction in fast food or retail. Go ahead and tell me all the things that are wrong and why you can't do anything else, I'm used to hearing that from the MTs on this board.
Thank you. That was a pleasantly helpful post - A rare occurance here - nm
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I listened! - kimosmom

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Excellent and frightening information. I went to the site you gave, only had time for a brief review, but it seems like most of the job postings there are for a certain location. Is that generally the case? I'm currently not able to move due to my husband's job.

No, not just one location. - nm

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You lost your home cause you stay with Nuance. - Bottom Line. nm

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I HAVE to work at home so those - generalizing and . . .

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lumping every MT into the same set of life circumstances saying, just leave, get out, go do something different, go learn something new; it's just not that simple for everyone.

My story? I took my son out of public school because of bullying and he is now in a home school situation and I'm the learning coach. Need to be home for that. I bet there are hundreds of different reasons why people are staying and milking the work-from-home job until the last drop.

I know where this job is headed. Same as online banking, online shopping, ATMs, automated doctor appointment-reminder phone calls, grocery store self checkout. . . little by little weeding the human out of the work force. There's also the dwindling postal service needs. You can't fight progress. That's reality.

Remember, things aren't always as somple as just get a new job, for everyone.

Sorry, but it IS as simple as get another job. Or stay here - and dig the hole deeper. Your choice. nm

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That's good in theory but it isn't always that simple - sm
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For anyone to say to OP just get a new job, that's easier said than done. Do you say to a homeless person on the street, just buy a house and you won't be homeless anymore? It's not that simple. OP could take every suggestion so far to heart and try, try, try and still come up short. Apply here, apply there, take a class, sell this, do that. Maybe OP already did that and then some. I'm trying to get out of MT too and yes I can still complain about it until my last day as an MT because I can. Just like you all have your opinion, I do also. Good luck OP. I hope you can find happiness just like the rest of the posters here.
Just got second job - new but old
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I just found myself divorced, no longer with my husband's income, and only my pittance of a paycheck. I have just gotten a second job to at least supplement my income so I can get a car as my husband took the only one we had. It is hard to apply for jobs with no car and if I were to get one, how would I get there? Don't criticize other people unless you know all their circumstances. I just try and get through every day and hopefully this second transcription job will work out good as they do pay better than Nuance.
I think some can't see outside of their own - little world. . .
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Go find a another job.

Let's say seeker lives in a small town of 20,000 with a high unemployment rate. . . not that easy.

Seeker lives in a city of a 2 million that is growing. . . easier.

Let's say a small town in Michigan versus Phoenix, AZ. Big difference.

I agree - sm
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And you could put that boy back in school and tell him not to tolerate the bullying instead of isolating him at home and ruining his chance to learn a necessary life lesson.

You could get a better job and put him in a private school, too. Many offer scholarships.

Staying with Nuance - Linda

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is a little bit like staying in an abusive marriage. I know it is frightening to get out, but getting out is better than staying and losing not only your house, but your heart and soul.

Pollyanna - Nick

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I believe you mean to say you couldn't care less, but regardless, I sympathize with you. Nuance is one of the corporate monsters. I am so sorry about the loss of your home. Not sure of your personal beliefs--I am not religious in the formal sense, but I do believe in karma and I would hate to be Nuance's shoes when it finally hits them in the, well, you know. Good luck to you.

It's nice to see - sm

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It's so refreshing to see someone take personal responsibility for their situation.

Oh, wait, nevermind.

It's so refreshing to see such compassion. - Oh wait, nevermind.

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