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Just so you know, Ambulatory and exclusives ... not ALL peaches and cream.. - anon

Posted: Oct 29, 2014

Ambulatory is definitely different than acute transcription and probably better in a LOT of ways, but if it makes you acute care feel any better, the 24-hour TAT that is talked about was not a true 24-hour TAT, at least not with my company. If my doctor dictated at 11 pm, my reports were due by 3 pm the next day, so that is more like a 16 hour TAT. If my doctors decided to turn in their reports on the weekend, then I transcribed on the weekend. I worked when my doctors sent reports which could be early morning until late at night. I have worked from 8 am until 3 am the next morning at times. You are totally responsible for transcribing that doctor and any others you have taken on by TAT..no matter what. There was no set schedule so there were also lots of cancelled family plans when my doctors would dictate unexpectedly. I had one doctor that would hold onto reports for 10 days and then send them all at once. This would result in marathon transcribing. However, I always forgave him because he was just the best dictator ever. It was wonderful having the same doctors all the time but you had to be willing to be on call day and night pretty much. Yet..I am going to miss it terribly and will probably not last long with what I am reading about the acute care situation and what we ambulatory have coming our way. I have gone through that with another company (MQ) and that is torture along with scrounging for minimum wage. Good luck to us all...we will surely need it.

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