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stupid call on quality - LOL

Posted: Dec 20, 2013

Ohhhh brother! stupid meeting for quality, the comment was made by an MT that docs do not give information for ADT or quality of dictation like from cars, etc.  the quality guru says they will approach the doctors about quality of dictation, but since our quality is not good right now then they can't exactly approach the doctors about this right now.  Thats such BS, MModal is so scared to lose any accounts they let doctors dictate from soup cans. 

I agree. That's the dumbest response I have ever heard. - nm

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quality - Anon

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Too bad someone didn't think to tell that "guru" that the quality of dictation directly effects the quality of transcription.

GIGO...guru's never heard that one! nm - poorhouse

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Quality - mik

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It is not always the MTSOs (as much as I despise them). I have worked work inhouse for 20 years and those same doctors who dictated poorly 20 years ago are still at it today. Old boss tried; new boss just does not care. If they dictate garbage which results in blanks, it is their problem. We try, but you can only do so much.

Just like they promised best dictation practices too - just saying

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Back in the Medquist/Vern days we were promised that the company would enforce best dictation practices for the worst offenders. How dare that MT ask that Mmodal actually deliver on a promise they made? However, it is typical that the company blames the MT and I am not surprised. It is always our fault, never the doctor, never the sound quality, never the ASR, never the confusing client profiles. It is our fault that is why we need retraining and mentors and the quality person was just blowing off the MTs yet again. Typical.

Talking from soup cans - SM

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with their hand over their mouth.

Soup cans - poorhouse

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At the hospital where I had been, they put in a new dictation/transcription system and one of the icons was a soup can for "canned text" or normals or routines or standards. This lady we had been training FOR SIX YEARS (no wonder I got outsourced) kept referring to it as in "I clicked the soup can but..." Made me want to scream! I don't know why; it just did. lol

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