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Last MT Standing - Madam LaFarge

Posted: Mar 02, 2014

You have no doubt heard of those Last Man Standing groups, where a group of people, such as survivors of a disaster, get together and each make a contribution which then goes to the last living member the group.

I propose 4/1/2014 all mmodal US MTs contribute $10- for lottery tickets to go the very last US MT that mmodal has left after all the 99.7% firings.

Anybody interested?  Let's not the let the door hit us in the butt on the way out.

will you take a postdated check - mtbankrupt

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?? I'm a little strapped for cash at the moment.

I love the idea, but ... - anon

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The $10 for lottery tickets has to go for Ramen - I'm stocking it up in preparation for being jobless once the new requirement kicks in.

I predict the last MTs standing will be the buy outs - original M*Modal empolyees will be let go

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They have to try harder to keep the new customers happy, especially after transitioning everything over.

I was a buy-out and still falling victim to the 99.7% - Anon

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I was with my "original" company for 10 years, and then the takeover by MM in 12/2012... it has been nothing but pay cuts, back stabbing, humiliation, cuts in PTO, demoralizing Emails, hand-slapping audits, refusal to allow days off, mandatory overtime, and whatever else they can get away with... and I was stupid enough to "stick it out" like so many told me to do. Shame on me! Self-esteem??? What is that??? Pride in a good job done??? Where did that go??? Waking up and loving my job??? How about wanting to throw up every morning for fear of the dreaded "you failed your audit" email. I'm a goner and I know it. After failing yet another audit with a 99.5....

Well today.. I take my life back. No more feeling sorry for myself and allowing people to treat me like some worthless piece of meat. I called out sick today for the first time in 12 years!!!!! I have over 40 hours of PTO and I am NOT going to lose it. I will spend my day updating my resume and starting the job search. I will make more money being sick than actually working. My morals as far as this company goes... are out the window! Good luck to you all... I think we are going to need it.
Good luck - newbutold
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Good luck and I love your new outlook. We unfortunately all have to stick together. I was actually let go from Medquist (back when that was what it was called). No notice just a phone call. Had been with them for over 10 years. Had suffered 2 injuries (both arms broken at separate times) and now have hardware in both arms and was in the process of working to get back to my old LPH. Always maintained my LPH and my accuracy (even when injured) stayed over 99%. Yes I was a little slower as part of the time I was doing VR with one hand - but do they care - no!!! Phone call that they were letting me go. The hurt and pain that I felt was terrible. I swore I would never go back, but due to a divorce that left me my only supporter I am now with Nuance (who in my opinion is better than Medquist- at least they work with you more than Medquist ever did). I have had to take a second job with another company to make ends meet and hopefully will some day be able to relax but that feeling of waking up never knowing when you are going to get an email putting you back on nondsp because you forgot to put in a comma or you left out a word. None of us are perfect. If they expect us to be perfect, then they should also pay us better. They expect us to have the knowledge that people who are trained in the medical field and who are paid as such to have but yet pay us to where none of us (or the majority) cannot get by with just one job. So sad. I went into this so that I would have a profession and would always be able to take care of myself. Oh well. I don't let it bother me like I used to. My second company is great and I manage to always make the audits and they leave me alone to type. The only emails I get from them is needing OT and I am more then willing to help when I can due to this reason.

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