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ILP work is frighteningly awful - an MME

Posted: Jan 27, 2012

Okay, just finished a child abuse report/examination that was edited (ASR) by one of our wonderful ILPs.  This was a fill-in-the-blank only report and not a 100% review.  However, there was a glaring error that caught my eye, so I decided to do a full review.  I found 36!! errors, nearly half were definitely critical, and I'm not the type to get picky about commas and such.  At first I thought that they must have sent it by accident without editing it as it was really that bad, but then I saw a blank for a doc's name at the end of the report, so they have to have gone through it.   I can't believe they let these hacks get away with typing our records.  This particular one has to stand up in court.  Sickening.  I can't wait for the lawsuits.

I understand it's your job to "fix" the mess, and - this is a good thing SM

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for the patient, but I just wish it could go through the system without your input.

This work does go through. - An MME

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If I wouldn't have just decided to read it over, it would have gone through. Considering how many reports are done by the ILPs and since the MMEs have been told to "just fill in the blanks" on those that aren't 100% review (which I rarely get), there are 1000s of these horrendous reports being sent to the client.

I wish I could have let it gone through, but it's the patient who suffers and I just can't do that. Besides, if that report was found and it was seen that it went through me as an MME, guess which one of us would probably lose their job or at least be severely reprimanded, the one who makes 3 cpl to QA it or the one who makes probably 1 to 2 cpl to edit it?


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As an MT who REALLY prides myself on my accuracy (sometimes to my detriment because I could make more money if I wasn't so particular) this makes me really mad.

If Vern is really a good CEO, while he is making changes I have a few:

ONLY keep the MTs who are above 99% accuracy with above average production.

Weed out the ones like you were talking about in your post. Pay the good MTs a good salary.

That way, the "good" MTs are making a decent salary, producing rapidly and not running out of work.

Intead, they just keep hiring and hiring and hiring.

I don't really see anything wrong with my suggestion on this. It seems like a win-win situation. Happy, well paid MT's producing quality work in fast TAT.

I thought that was the way it was supposed to be all along!

That would get rid of 98% of the ILP workforce. - I could live with that. NM
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can you say "not my problem?" - missindale

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Of course you are concerned but really, except for the ones sent to us to proof, this is not our problem.

Unfortunately, what is even scarier is that the doctors - dnr

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are signing these reports. Add to that, the doctors, when they get in legal trouble, just redictate and back date the reports. I've seen that more than a couple times. My former service (not in business anymore due to inability to match ILP pricing) would not back date reports which I highly commend him.

ILP's - MarineMom

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I have often wondered, does all ILP work go through QA when it comes back across the sea, or does their work go straight to the facility like mine do if I don't send it to QA on purpose?? scary!!

I have always believed, since HIPAA started, that along with signing that form, we should have to sign a form that states our medical records are being shipped overseas to type, that way I can decide myself if I want to change doctors to a physician that supports MT's in the USA!!

Straight to the client, just like us. - maybe ILP QA in between

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If they are not on 100% review, their work goes straight to the client. The only time they are on 100% is if the client just moved their work offshore (as the work is probably scrutinized during the transition) or if the ILP is a new hire. Either way, it only lasts for a month or so, ready or not.

Some may go through a layer or two of QA on their side of the ocean, but after QAing their QA work, it is not any better.

I agree with your idea about signing a paper to consent for offshore typing.

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