A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Gee, thanks Medquist for getting rid of MT's. - Betcha glad you higher ups have jobs.

Posted: Feb 28, 2010

Yes, I know, THINGS HAVE CHANGED AND NEED TO GET WITH THE PROGRAM AND ACCEPT CHANGE!  That is why I am getting out of this profession and going back to school.



MedQuist Launches EHR Integration for Dictations Associated with Template-based Clinical Documentation

  • Meets physician workflow demands, increasing physician adoption and satisfaction;
  • Can reduce the overall cost of documentation by more than 50 percent; and
  • In certain instances, can completely eliminate dictation.  

Explains MedQuist Chief Operating Officer Michael Clark, "By integrating MedQuist's DocQment Enterprise Platform® (DEP) with the new features of Epic's Hyperspace Client, the richness of template-driven text can be combined with the otherwise freestyle nature of dictation in DEP.  Physicians can now easily create a more comprehensive clinical note that automatically incorporates both voice input and structured text through a single application.  For example, a physician may dictate multiple, separate voice 'snippets' of dictation for a single patient encounter.  MedQuist's DEP technology places those converted text snippets back within the structured encounter document, in the appropriate sequence and section.  This documentation then feeds directly into the EHR."

Through the MedQuist-Epic hybrid model, partial dictations are associated with the template-based report creation process in the Epic system.  "Once the voice snippet is out of Epic and into DEP, it moves through each stage of our typical workflow like any other dictation.  Each dictated snippet will be processed through speech recognition, be made available for quality assurance, and be tracked for turnaround time.  Moreover, as MedQuist advances its technology, those snippets and all of our transcribed documents can be delivered in a Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) format, allowing further integration and usefulness to Epic and our combined customers," says Clark. 

Yeah, so what! - Twiddling my thumbs

[ In Reply To ..]
If it's anything like ASR, somebody will have a p#nis in every paragraph (because we all know how ASR loves to put that in at every opportunity) and there will be a lot of people at a van, had been a van or had a van or have been a car in every report.

Not too worried here. Life goes on.

It is not like ASR. It is fill in the blank. - Life will not go on as usual in this career.

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My hospital system is using this already (EPIC). There is NO DICTATION involved. It is fill in the blank. They can add narrative if they need, but it is very brief and they do it while you are sitting there. By the time you walk out of that office, the report is completed. My MD let me watch him do my report. If I was not on my way out of this career, I would have cried my eyes out.

EMR will end our careers as we know them. It will affect the offshore people too as well as us.

I think everyone in this career should be worried. The fact is, EMR will replace us. Period. Government mandated. Loved by the hospitals and MDs. It saves them bundles of money and time.

It is nothing like ASR. The MD stands there, asks questions and fills in blanks. Then he does the exam, goes back, fills in some more blanks, adds narrative if necessary, then the report is finished. In my hospital system, they print out a copy of the report for you and hand it to you before you leave. And the reports look good. I have a stack of them already from all my MDs and specialists. (Starting to keep my own medical record.)

Yes, I would say the time for complacency is over. THis job will never ever go back to what it once was and once all the hospitals get on EMR, especially for the ones who refuse offshoring work--they won't have to worry. The work is done right there at their fingertips.

I would say if you have bills to pay, don't stay in transcription. There is no much of a bright future ahead. It has seen it's heyday and now it is on a downslide for MTs.

No worries - Twiddling my thumbs

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Sometimes change is good. I'm relatively young so I've never had the luxury of believing that I would stay with one company for a lifetime or that I would retire at 60 or that there would be bonuses and pay raises and added benefits as time went on, or that I would stay in one career. I've had to scrap for everything I've earned, work hard for little and work harder for more, and ride one train until it comes to a slow before hopping a new train. I don't count on Social Security to be available to me when I'm older. It won't be there. Neither will Medicare. The money will be gone. The good ol' days of the last 60-70 years are over and with it the belief in a system that could not sustain itself.

It's only hard work from here now until the end of my life. What I earn will be what I work hard for, whatever job that may be.

I'm not afraid to work. I'm not afraid not to retire. I'm not afraid of the day when Medicare and Social Security runs out, and I'm not afraid of the day that will come when MQ lets me go or has no more work for me.

I've found that with change comes new perspective, new hope, and that life is not about things or jobs or money but about people, working hard, and being happy with what you have, even if it's little. Life's too short to fear the future. To be free of worry, one must let go, open their arms, and leap into the expanse, and let God take care of the rest.

Peace and hope anew I wish to all of us here at MQ in whatever pathways of life that lie ahead for each of us.
According to your post, you said there will still be garbage to type. - Well, there will not be.
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In your post you said:

"Yeah so what! If it's anything like ASR, somebody will have a p#nis in every paragraph (because we all know how ASR loves to put that in at every opportunity) and there will be a lot of people at a van, had been a van or had a van or have been a car in every report."

I just answered that it WILL NOT be like ASR. So, you should worry about at least MQ work flow.

I was not getting all philosophical with you.

Just stating a point that if ANYONE thinks that it is like ASR they are WRONG. Which in your post you stated it will still be the same. Well--it won't.

AND--I don't think most people are afraid of hard work. BUT -- Many of these women here being shafted by MQ are higher up in age. When you are in your mid 60s, taking on a new career has a whole different meaning.

It is good you have the attitude about moving on and getting out of this field and not depending on social security. You will have to move on and you are right SS will not be there.
Missing the point - Twiddling my thumbs
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Worry and fear about MQ's work flow is exactly that - philosophical.

This program above that MQ is releasing sounds different in that it picks through sound and puts it in the correct location, thus my comments on it being relative to ASR as opposed to what you are referring to, which would be data entry.

However, on the issue you are discussing, if doctors are going to sit around and transcribe their own notes and input phrases and waste money doing data entry instead of seeing more patients, that's their issue, not mine. I don't believe it works well in terms of time management or cost effectiveness, but if hospitals and clinics enjoy wasting money by putting doctors into data entry instead of using their time more wisely, what you say may be possible widespread in the future, although I would hope the medical business is smart enough to see through the BS that is being pushed to them in the effort to sell a product. They are not saving money by having doctors do data entry. They are wasting it further with time that could be better spent on the part of the physician not to mention the lack of quality in a physician/patient relationship in which the doctor has his nose shoved in a laptop the entire time.

MQ is in the business to make money and like many companies now, they are in it for more money for themselves and less money for their employees. Greed will bring everything down in the end.

My point in the previous reply was that the attitude that "I" deserve to have a career in "this" field or "I" deserve to have a bonus or a salary or a job in "this" field are attitudes of days gone by and never forth to be.

You can call it philosophical. I call it life.

So, you are incorrect that I need to worry about MQ's work flow. When the train slows for me, I will leap to another. Worry is poison to the body and to the soul and I refuse to endorse an attitude of doom and worry and fear in this very short life I have to live. By posting in this manner, the toxicity spreads and the fear increases and worry abounds and what good does that do anyone?

Plan for the future and in the meantime enjoy what you do now. It's still decent money here at MQ if you work hard and are diligent in your efforts. The pay may be less than it was previously, fewer bonuses, less easy work, but if one reads the papers or watches the news, one will understand that this is not a just a MQ problem, this is a national problem for employees in America.

Every job has its problems, currently jobs are becoming increasingly hard to come by in America, and leaping from this one to another, I imagine many here will find that the same issues abound, the very reason being that one cannot escape the toxic effects of negativity in an attitude by switching to a new job or career. Negativity is someone one carries with them into the future if they refuse to release, unclench their fists, and let go.

Again, you call it philosophical. I call it life, and the reality in any job one does, regardless of whether it be here at MQ or somewhere else.

There you go again. - Getting philosophical.
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EMR is EMR. No matter. I am NOT incorrect when I state ONE SHOULD WORRY about their jobs with EMR (EPIC, etc.). Not just with MQ. Any transcription job.

You are not the only one living in this REALITY. The rest of us have families, bills to pay, and reasons to move on and watch what is going on in this career.

You came off as very snarky in your initial post -- actually stating there will always be work with mistakes to correct. But YOUR are WRONG.

Sorry if that rumples your little feathers.

I never said losing our jobs was a philosophy.

There are some, yes, who are not so willing to move on, but I don't think that is the majority.

It is good that you are so prepared for life and the changing face of this business.

Good for you. Congratulations.

But you are not saying anything that the rest of us don't already know.


But you are still wrong about there aways being work. Wrong, wrong, wrong . . . Sorry to burst your little bubble.
Quit rumpling my feathers! - Twiddling my thumbs
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All I'm saying is if ASR is any example of how their new program is going to work, it won't go well. So unless they're holding out on us with a program that actually knows how to format correctly according to speech, knows where to insert things even though it doesn't have a clue how to number things in ASR, doesn't require 5 corrections every sentence, suddenly starts picking up on ESL and can read minds to know how to manipulate a sentence with the correct vernacular, and can distinguish between 50 and 15 mg, especially on an ESL, which it gets wrong probably 75% of the time in ASR, resulting in huge patient red flag medication errors, no, I'm not too worried.

And if this job doesn't work out, there will be others. One needs only drive, determination, and the willingness to work hard.

You can choose worry or you can embrace change.

I wish you and everyone here at MQ the best. It's going to be okay.

It is not ASR. My doctor has used EPIC - for five years. see below
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When I get my physical, a computer is in the office. The triage nurse takes my vitals and enters it in the computer. Doctor asks me questions, and puts my answers in the computer. Doctor gives me my physical and puts the answers in computer. Doctor then pulls up my medications in the computer and adds to the list of new medications or deletes, etc. All done. That is it. Doctor just typed in the answers in the computer and basically did their own dictation. No voice, just typed their own comments as they are now the transcriptionist/doctor.

Has nothing to do with ASR. No voice, no programs. It works very well. My doctor has used it for 5 years. 95% of Providence Hospitals, Clinics in the entire Northwest use Epic EMR by GE.

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION JOBS WILL BE VERY FEW IN NEED because doctors will be their own transcriptionists.
Yup, my hospital system even gives the patients - copies after the exam.
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No need for MT or cheap foreign labor or anything.

But the doctors do like it, it is like immediate gratification for them. Or so to speak.
Wow, You get copies? I should ask! - Seriously.
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If you think about it, doctors are all done with their work. Do not have to sit in a room with a phone or mic attached to the ear or mouth and sit there dictating for hours. It is all done, INSTANTLY!
That is how it works. My GI doc has been using it for - a while now. My other docs
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in the hospital just started. My PCP has been using it for about 4 months now and loves it. And yes, they do give me a copy when I leave the office.

So, I do believe the hospitals are loving every extra penny they get to put in their pockets with this EMR system. Not so good for MTs though.
Lol. I already have another job. - And almost through with school.
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I did not touch one feather on your head! Was just stating what I have seen in my own hospital system. EPIC works wonderfully. The MDs love it! And MQ's system will probably true work like crap but who knows?

It seems you have never seen the EPIC system in action. I have. It is working just fine.

So. Whatever.

But I personally have moved on, gave my notice, will be gone shortly and leaving this career. It was great while it lasted, but now it is done.

So I move on. Not hanging on.

Good luck to you.
What have you been studying - in school?
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I myself went through nursing, could not tolerate it. Too demanding and years ago, the pay sucked for what you had to do, have people's lives in your hands. So I then went to college for medical transcription.

Now I cannot figure out what to do. Emergency Management sounds interesting. Been learning Ham Radio and learning how to pass emergency calls.

Also maybe interested in medical assistant. Also wanted x-ray, but I heard there are too many in the field.

Any suggestions?
No worries - Euro sepsis
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I think I'm somewhere in the "no worries" mode, for now. I've been doing this for almost 30 years and have been threatened with "voice recognition coming soon" for about 15 of those years. I got really depressed about it. Now that's it's here (15 years later), it's crap. It still has a good 5-7 years before it's perfected but I think the "point-and-click" software will make it obsolete before it gets any good.

Now we're threatened with something else. I'm going to take it one day at a time. From past experience, all of this new technology takes years to be perfected and I'm still not convinced that it's cost effective or as accurate as they're making it out to be. Hospitals will find that out for themselves.

I still have 18 more years before I can retire and I still think I can retire doing this. There are plenty local colleges and hospitals advertising MT jobs with not-so-bad pay. All of this technology is expensive and small-town places like where I live don't have the resources. BTW, the local hospital here used to outsource to India when I moved here 4 years ago. Now I see ads in the paper for them every week. Apparently a big kahuna got sued over a medical report error and that was that. I think this is just as much a wave of the future as the technology.

I could be wrong, but I really don't think so. If I am, I'll just move on. I'm going to be 60 one day whether I'm in school or not. I'll worry about that when it happens.
Bravo! Thanks for that upbeat post - Just Sayin
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Seriously! It's nice to see somebody with an upbeat, positive attitude about it all. It can get depressing reading all of this doomsday stuff on here. I also believe we will still be around for quite awhile. Have a great day!
Thank you for posting - Twiddling my thumbs
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I agree with everything you stated. When the day comes to take action, I will, but until then I'm not going to waste the energy.

MTs on this board have been predicting for years that we all will be fired shortly and I'm still here, still waiting to be fired. Lol.

We have jobs advertised here locally where I live all the time for MTs as well at the local hospitals. I like my flexibility in hours too much here though to switch over to a traditional job format. I worked as an IC locally for many years before coming to MQ, and although the pay was less, the added stress of driving and running my own business and providing all my own supplies made the switchover worthwhile to me. I have a BS degree already, so a year of training is all it would take for me to switch over to a couple of different jobs I've been eyeing. However, they don't pay much more, so right now it's not worth the effort for me to take the leap. For now, I'm sitting tight and enjoying the job I have that pays relatively well for me and allows me flexibility, something vital to me as I have several children with busy schedules. Not ready to go back to the whip-cracking, real-in-the-flesh boss and day-in-and-day-out moaning co-workers at the water fountain just yet. Been too long on my own and spoiled, I think.

I also agree with Just Sayin above. There is a lot of negativity and doom and gloom on this board and it's a real downer to read here every day.

Thank you for writing such a positive post. Take care.
Technology - Euro sepsis
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I think a lot of us older MTs have been around long enough to see how things pan out in the long run. I do believe technology will prevail but there will still be a need for human hands-on help. When technology works, it's great. When it doesn't, well, ask Toyota.

My primary is trying out Epic now in the ER. AT LEAST once a week I transcribe a physician stating "The triage note states history of/complaint of __________, but the patient denies this to me." I would imagine some poor triage nurse who has to sit there and input data with a waiting room full of patients is clicking too fast. It's only a matter of time before the same thing happens to doctors. While a human could catch that history of seizures that was clicked instead of sinusitis below it, a computer can't. It will only take a few patients being denied insurance coverage or a job because of the mix up before the true worth of this software shows its face. Again, how many times have you caught the results of a prostate exam being performed on a female or that past surgical history of a hysterectomy on a 4-year-old boy? Right now doctors have the backup in court that it was a "transcription error." If we're gone, guess what?

I believe the up-and-coming residents will be more in tune to the technology, but there is going to be a learning curve for all of their oh-so-familiar text abbreviations that only mean something to them, getting mistaken in one of the "snippets" as a true medical acronym. It's scary what can happen.

I just don't understand all of the hostility of those bad-mouthing MedQuist for wanting the "best of the best." What company wouldn't? I have decided that I will spend all of the time I could spend griping about the inevitable becoming one of those best of the best. I'm in it for the long haul.

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