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so sick of people saying just because we work at home, we don't really work - anon

Posted: Aug 31, 2010

I am so tired of people saying, "well, you work at home, so that's not really working."  or "you spend too much time on the computer."  or people coming over during working hours and saying, well you have time to visit, you work at home.  blah, blah, blah.  Let these people get the wrong medication because someone messed up their medical record or let them get screwed over in court because their record wasn't typed correctly, THEN will they realize that we do work???  until then, we are just "screwing around on the internet."  For once, I'd like to get recognized as doing a job just like anyone else working outside the home! 

Never heard anyone say that - See message - Anonymous

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I never heard anyone say that when I worked at home. If you feel the way you do, you need to address it with the people who are making the comments or find a job outside the home. Don't expect a lot of recognition for going to the office and doing your work, it's not much different there.

you must give people that impression; I've worked at home 16 years and - noboy has ever said anything like that. n/m

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So you are blaming her? Thanks for nothing. - MTSRcatty

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Do you feel better now? Trying to build yourself up on someone else's back? That's pretty lame....

right!! some MTs from mtdaily must have transferred here. lol - anon

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Before I was one, I met an MT who invited me - Abuse Not Allowed!
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to call and chat, maybe do lunch. She immediately followed it up with the times of day she accepted calls--all outside 8 genuine work hours, very firm. She's a fun and lovely person, but no room allowed for misunderstanding then or ever.

Boundaries - Your response is the

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education they seem to be lacking.

How do you react when they say these things? I always made it very clear when I was working and when I was hanging out being "at home."

well, i have other friends in the MT field, the same thing happens to them, so...... - anon

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and how do I respond, i repeatedly tell people I am working, I have even gotten a laminted note and put it on my door, working hours are: blah, blah, do not disturb, etc. and I have been doing this for 12 years now and it's always been a problem. Why would I get a job outside the home, I love my job? People just don't respect it and no, that is not my fault. thank you very much.

Wow, alot of attitude for such a simple statement. - No big deal really.

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Personally, I have never felt compelled to explain my work situation to anyone. Some are of the belief that I do not "really work," or that my work is not that important or hard if I can do it from home. So what? I don't need to be recognized for anything by them.

Other people say, "Wow, that is hard stuff." I just say, "It can be." Just like with any job, it takes dedication and self-discipline to do a good job. My family understands this because it is necessary for me to make them understand it. I don't really care about anyone else.

There are ways to avoid socializing while you work, no matter where you work. Once you repeatedly employ those techniques, people get the message.

i was respond to all above, sorry posted just under yours. - anon

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I have never heard it and neither have my coworkers - see message

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In fact the opposite is true...people tell me I work too much.

What you do is you don't answer the phone and you don't answer the door and when someone asks you why you didn't answer you tell them you were working. That's all you need to say.

I've found that the only time people don't think you are really working is when you act like it's not real work and play down the job to them. If you tell them I work from 8:00-5:00 Monday through Fridays or whenever. Start telling them if they want to talk to you during the day they will have to catch you on your lung hour.

Particularly I don't care if family or friends recognize my job as something real or like anyone else. It's a job and I get paid for what I do. Who cares what they say or think. Don't let it bother you.

I've just never heard from my family, friends or coworkers what you describe. Not saying it hasn't happened to you, just never heard it before (in 20 years).

You are not alone - Lisa

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Don't worry about what these other posters are saying disagreeing with you. I have been doing this now for 4-5 years and my husband still acts like I do nothing all day at home. He has a 7-year-old and during the summer, he just expects me to babysit him during the day. I have to tell him over and over I can't work with a child here and I finally put my foot down and wouldn't babysit him. But my DH also makes little comments like well you can do this, you don't do nothing all day. He acts like I sit and watch tv all day or something. I just ignore him and anyone else. I love what I do and I think a lot of these people are just jealous that we get to work from home and they don't.

You are not alone - Tara

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I am in the same boat. My husband acts that way too. If he gets a day off, he expects that I can help him do all his paperwork and errand running. If he comes home at the end of the day and the house is messy or supper is not cooked he gets irritated and it's like I have been working all day too. We actually got into an argument about it last week. I told him he treats me like I'm a stay at home mom and that I have nothing better to do with my day than cook and clean. I've been working at home for 9 years, you think he would have gotten the concept into his head by now. I also have the same problem with other people as well. Yes I do have flexibility and I am not on a schedule, but regardless, sometimes I am on a deadline and people just don't get it.

same here! - sm

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Hubby recently got moved to 3rd shift at work, and has stopped doing ANYTHING around the house. He won't even change the toilet paper when it runs out. When I said something about it, he once again said I'm home all day so I can do it.

Neighbors get snippy because I work from home but don't answer the door. If I tell people in casual conversation I do MT at home, they often get a look on their face and say "That must be NICE" in a rather sarcastic tone. When I got laid off from one MT job, I called my state Unemployment and the lady on the phone said "Oh, work from home? That doesn't count for NOTHIN'. Besides, they're all SCAMS 'n stuff."

I don't know who these people are who say they never get attitude for working from home, but I'm kind of envious!

Why be with someone who treats you like that? - wondering

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I would never stay with a man who belittled and disrespected me that way.

Working at home - kat

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My sons have said to me several times that they wish they could sit home and do nothing (they are 34 and 41). I also have had people say "how can you call in sick when you work at home??" Just let them try it and they would change their tune. Just my experience and opinion.

Working at Home - anon

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I think what kind of comments you get depends on your situation. If you have a big family, lots of neighbors, a big group of friends, the location of where you work, etc. If you are not in the same situation as the first poster, then you might not get comments like she does. I hear it all the time and have learned to ignore it. But then again, my house is like Grand Central Station with people coming and going. I even work in a separate building next to my house and they still come over there to find me and bother me when I am trying to work.

I have had people with that impression, too. - atagirl

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Case in point: Friends staged a BBQ at our home Friday night and could not understand why I could not join in. I did have just about every dish in the house to wash the next morning.

I have to work, I can't BBQ with you! Without being a b*tch, I just closed my door and said I needed to shut out the noise so I could hear dictation and told them just to not worry about me. They didn't.

You are right about people that don't understand what we do thinking we have all our time to ourselves. It does keep burglars away, though. We are always home. Must be frustrating if anyone is casing the joint.

I edit. My brother says I get paid to sit at home and read. - Yeah, so? He hates it SM

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that I get paid to do this. He has been unemployed for years. I know he says this cause he is jealous but too bad. It makes me a goooood living, at least for now.

To edit books, get paid to read. That is my dream job! - DJ

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Can you share with me how you started? Do you work for a publisher? Does one need a degree to do so? I an an avid reader, love the written word!

Especially when its our employer who is saying it! - (Which our pay sure reflects, doesnt it?) nm

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Your pay reflects the economy and the offshoring for cheaper. - sm

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Just heard a story about an insurance salesman who states his commision has been cut by two thirds due to businesses not taking out all of that insurance but cutting corners.

It is happening everywhere not just MT.

Our pay also reflects that our employers dont care - whether we live or we die. n/m

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agreed - my OM has said MTs are uneducated and lazy because we - work from home - nm

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...yet we have to know Eng. & Med. language forward - Rocky Raccoon - sm

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and backwards, the BOS inside and out, and how to spell the name of every last name known to man. Regardless of how it's spelled or dictated to us.

Yes, we work-at-homes are so d_____ed lazy, that rather than move our slothlike selves out of our chairs to eat, exercise, sleep, or use the restroom, we prefer to work nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, because goshdarnit... transcription is FUN, and we wouldn't want to miss a single minute of it.

We're all SO lazy, the MTSOs have to pay us nano-fractions of cents per line, just so they keep us "motivated". After all, some of us slackers have actually had the GALL to want a day off every once in a while. A DAY OFF!!! That just WILL NOT DO.

We're such worthless pieces of useless trash, we don't deserve decent healthcare. And we certainly DON'T deserve pay that keeps up with the cost of living. No, we all deserve to die, and the MTSOs are doing their part to speed that along by starving us to death, or by making sure there is no way we can afford to go to a doctor if we get sick. After all, we might have to actually take a DAY OFF to to that! And that just WILL NOT DO.

We're so lazy, they have to keep coming up with new ways to keep us focused. Like calling us at 2:30 AM to type a STAT, even though it's not our account, and our shift ended 6 hours ago. That phone ringing in the middle of the night will sure light a fire under our behinds, won't it!?

We're all such lard@$$es, we certainly don't deserve to be paid for all the overtime we're working, either. That money could be MUCH better spent on redecorating some CEO's office. Or on a corporate jet.

No, working at home was OUR idea. Never mind that it was our only choice, in most cases. Or that everyone (except us) was raking in the dough with all the overhead costs of housing an inhouse transcription staff. No, the only reason we work at home is because we want to wear slippers all day, and homeschool our kids. Even those of us without kids, want to go out and rent some so we can have them around all day. That's what working at home is all about.

I AGREE - Trollbaby

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You are so right about that! I have people around me that say the same kind of things. They act like we do not have a real job because we are at home! They say that we have more time to do things because we are at home, but that is not necessarily true because if we are not on the computer working, we do not get paid!!! You always hear that all you do is get on the computer, well that is our job!!

Being rural and at a place with animals (ie kid magnet).... - Hayseed

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The kids from walking or biking distance would come here and I would feel obligated to baby sit, or at least keep peeking out the windows to make sure no one was getting hurt. This was the worst year by far for some reason, maybe because the neighbors had all finally got a chance to know me over the past few years and realize I wasn't some perv or something...

Anyway, it became so bad that I actually had to let their parents know that the kids were welcome to come and visit the animals but that their parent(s) had to accompany them because I was working and it just wasn't a cool situation. I wasn't a dink about it and they completely understood...sad that it had to be spelled out for them like that, but this is the generation we live in. People just don't know any better.

I now have a sign on my front door and on my office window shade that says "Working, please call me at 555-5555 if there's an emergency. Thanks!"

Haven't had any problems since. :)

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