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DSG has done what they promised they would NEVER DO! - mountainbw

Posted: Feb 07, 2012

Well, here we go again.....DSG has done exactly what I was promised, when I went to work for them almost seven years ago, that they would never do.....sell out to MQ or MModal, whatever their name is.  I left MQ for a reason....because they are an awful company to work for and could care less about their employees.  Promised work is not there....no one is ever available to help when you need it and if you complain they put a thumb down on you about your production or your accuracy and start picking you to pieces......Did anyone else feel like the big announcement supposed "Conference Call" was pointless as we were muted and were not allowed to even comment?  I felt like he could not end the call and get out of there fast enough.  The message?  "Goodbye, good luck and don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out."  Now I'm back where I was, faced with working for this awful company once again....Now I'm hearing about all the restrictions and requirements and I feel more and more that I DO NOT want to work for them.  You know Medical Transcription USED to be a good job...........NOT ANYMORE!!!!!!

Just wait... the restrictions and requirements - are worse than you heard

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No one can explain it until you experience it. It is like you are in a fog, thick fog, pea soup thick, and you are sludging along and a giant 10,000 pound rump roast lands on your back!

Welcome to MModal, formerly known as MedQuist.

Just wait...the restrictions and requirements - are worse than you heard - mountainbw

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Please elaborate as much as you can. My future with medical transcription that I have loved for 23 years depends on my decision. I worked for MQ before for 6 years and they were horrible, but these new horrors are mind-boggling. Please enlighten me.....

I saw it coming when MQ had that last - spree of buy outs.

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A lot of the accounts they had had something to do with MQ. Honestly I am surprised it didn't happen sooner.

99% or better quality, must work schedule and - sm

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if no jobs are available you either take your PTO, make up the time on Fri/Sat/Sun or take the rest of your work schedule that day off without pay - happens a lot! Lousy and I mean the worst dictators and you get blamed for a report full of blanks. I'm sure there's more but just don't want to dwell on all this right now. Good luck :(
dont forget "punished monitarily" for more than - 5% sent to QA
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Perfect imagery! - Thanks for the laugh

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Too bad it's not a joke. Like walking in quicksand.

Let's hope the karma gods give the decision maker - a swift kick in the buttocks

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I'm not a religious person, but times like this make me hope there is something in the universe to make people like him pay. You know it was all about money, that's all these suits care about. They don't care that they are possibly ruining the lives of their MT's - you know, the people who actually do all the damn work that gives them their fat paycheck. This whole thing makes me sick.

Let's hope the karma gods give the decision maker - mountainbw

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We can only hope.....Yes, I am sick about this. You are right. All they care about is money and their bottom line and profit margin. I have worked and worked and the pay keeps getting cut and the demands and restrictions more and more. It seems like they are trying to run good and great MTs away on purpose. I am not working for (pardon the pun) a bunch of dictators....

They all promise. YOG did the same thing. sm - MT

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I was with YOG forever, and she always said she would never sell to MQ and then one morning we all get an electronic e-mail, so sorry, sold to MQ. They lie. It's all about money.

Yog - anon

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I also was a YOG employee at the buyout, it was horrible. My condolences to all DSG employees. Tighten your seatbelts, your in for a rough ride.

I loved YOG, and I was in shock too, but in all fairness sm - Colorado MT

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Carole started her business from the ground floor, worked her tushy off, and in the end someone came along and offered her a boatload of money ... who really could blame her for taking the money? If I had a business and someone offered me several million dollars, I'd sign the papers so fast it would make your head spin.

On a different note, my sympathies are also with those at DSG. I never say never, but I hope I never have to work for MQ. I gave my notice the day I got the email that YOG was sold. I'll keep running as long as I can, although I hope I have found my permanent spot (I suppose we all hope that).

Good luck to everyone.

been bought out twice - missindale

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I loved YOG too - I also didn't blame Carole but it was the way she did it, so out of the blue...actually it took awhile for MQ to get around to messing with us. It took much less time for them to get their hands on Spheris operations.
She said she would never sell to them and she did, and I agree about the way she did it. sm - MT
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She had a lot of long-term employees who loved her and just to start up your work day one day and see you have been sold without so much as a by your leave was pretty cold. yes, she worked hard, we all did. We were the reason she had a business and a high level lifestyle. To the person who defended her and then said they never worked for MQ, well you have no voice in how she treated all of us. No one said she didn't work hard.
I said I'd never get divorced ... now here I am ... divorced. sm - Things change
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I'm sure she meant it when she said it ... maybe not. Maybe she was lying all along. Who knows? Bottom line, though, she did sell, for whatever reason. Holding a grudge only hurts the grudge holder.
Seriously?! SM - LAMT
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You think that holding someone to their word is holding a grudge? Wow, well that shows how the world has changed. But we all know it's all about money and no matter people's lives that are ruined in the process and people's lives were ruined, make no mistake about that. But all's fair in love, war and business I guess. Kay Sarah, Kay Sarah as we say in the old household. :)
Saying that someone's life was ruined by the sale of YOG sm - Things change
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seems a bit overdramatic. Back in those days, there were still other good jobs available and pay had not gone into the toilet where it is now, and to my knowledge no one instantly lost their job. Still, it is your perspective and I did not live your life.

I think a mistake a lot of us have made is buying into the "we're a family" thing that was pushed at us by several companies. At the end of the day, it is a BUSINESS. It is not family, it is not your friend, it is a job. And I still maintain that staying angry, bitter, or whatever over a situation only hurts the people hanging on to those feelings. It has been a long time since the sale of YOG.
You have no idea what happened to people after YOG do you? sm - Melissa
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Well, I do. But I am not going to talk about it here because people like really have no idea. I think you are probably Carole posting. Angry, bitter or whatever? No, more like disappointed, disillusioned, and sad. I loved my job there. I thought I would retire from there. I never made the pay or had the benefits I got there ever, and I was friends with a lot of people who did have financial problems afterwards and had to file bankruptcy. But in YOUR world, I suppose that is just business as usual. You are the one who might need a reality check into what happened to people after YOG sold. Don't even pretend to know when you don't. I have moved, got out of being an MT and went back to nursing school. But financially, I was devastated for some time. Let's say it is a bittersweet memory and leave it at that. I still do transcription on the side. Hopefully, I don't need your permission to tell what happened. Seems you are telling a lot of people how to feel.
Not at all. You choose how you feel. Means nothing to anyone else. sm - Not here to argue
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I worked for YOG as well, and I was disappointed also, but certainly not devastated. I made 10 cpl at YOG and then 11 cpl at another company. As I mentioned, the jobs were still there back then. And it sounds like you made a smart career move, so I would think you would ultimately look at it as a good thing for you. However, how I feel and how you feel are totally different, and we are both entitled to those feelings.

I would never dream to tell someone how to feel. Those who want to engage in the drama of saying they were "ruined" obviously can do so. I was voicing my opinion, just as you voiced yours. For me, I learned not to trust in anyone's "never" a long time ago, because that can change overnight. I worked in-house for a group of physicians who told me their practice would never break up. One Friday, 8 years later, they call me into the office and say everyone is going their separate ways. It happens. I learned the only person you can totally believe in is yourself.

Again, I am sorry that you and others had hard times and that it stays with you like this, and you misunderstood me. Your feelings are obviously your own and I would never say you cannot feel them. I merely pointed out what is obvious. It doesn't affect Carole, only you.

By the way, it is funny that you would suggest I'm Carole. I doubt she gives any of us a second thought. I do not remember exactly when the sellout happened, but I'm thinking it was early 2000, right after her big Y2K panic where she had all of us working all day and all night to try to make sure the work was done in case the computers exploded or whatever. Looking back, I find it all amusing. I bought into the "family" notion too. I typed 3500 lines that day, ignoring my family and everything else for the good of the team or whatever nonsense you want to call it. To her credit, she did send me a check for $100 as a bonus for helping out that day.

I digress, though. I assure you I am not Carole. If I was a millionaire, these boards would be the last place I'd think of watching.
Hey, I worked for YOG, am now MQ - L&L
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and still making a go of it. Let's face it, the YOG money was good, but Carole had absolutely no business sense whatsoever. The bonuses were great, but she was pi**ing away money. YOG would be long gone/out of business in today's market. PS, I don't work to get to know people and make friends. I work for money.
Wow, surprised at all the bitterness and resentment (sm) - This was 10 years ago, folks!
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I was there, too. LOVED YOG. But I didn't blame Carole one bit. I don't remember things changing, especially monetarily, for some time after the sale. By the time they finally got around to messing with us, I had moved on to an even better job with QT Medical. But mostly it was because I didn't want that nasty MQ name anywhere on my resume.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but if it was no longer working for you, then you simply should have left for greener pastures. (And back then, there were greener pastures to be had; not so today.) But, wow, this "Carole drove me to bankruptcy and ruined my life" bit? She did nothing of the sort. Ten years of resentment, when all you needed to do was get a different job? I ended up making about 20% more at QT.

Please, for your own sake -- not Carole's -- let this go already.
Stop telling others how to feel. sm - MT
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How dare you, I mean seriously. you have no idea what others went through. I find your post even more offensive than their posts. How rude!
Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for the direction of your life nm - Ten years ago!
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Since I did work for YOG and was there when she sold, I DO have a voice. sm - Colorado MT
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Just because you do not agree with my opinion does not make mine any less valid. I respect your opinion, even though it is not my view.

I DID work for MQ briefly on a part-time basis long before the sellout, and it was their practices then that convinced me I'd never want to work for them full time and I quit after a couple of weeks. When MQ bought YOG, I left YOG to work for MDI-MD and then, of course, she sold too. And I don't remember if Dorothy ever said she would not sell or not, but I do not blame her for selling either. I loathe Transcend too, so ... that story ends.

Do I think the MTs are treated unfairly during a buyout? Most certainly. Work patterns change, people give you vague answers (as in lies), and then *poof* one day you get an email saying the company is sold. It stinks to high heaven.

I now work for OTI and a small MTSO in Pennsylvania, both using Bayscribe, and I am happy and pray that they do not sel. I am NOT happy with the 3-1/2 cpl pay cut I have compared to the MDI days, but sitting here being mad about it will not help me either. At least I'm not down to working for 6 cpl for that person offering a job in WVa. Sad.

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