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IMT - g

Posted: Sep 5th, 2021 - 7:06 pm In Reply to: Independent Medical Transcription Inc. out of FL? - Anything?

I know this is an old message, but new info couldn't hurt, in case anyone is looking. They don't seem to advertise here anymore, but do have a pretty regular ad on Indeed. People are nice enough, but they seem to really want you to train yourself; give you the manual (ENTIRELY FILLED WITH FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS) and voice file and say "let me know if you have any questions". They are usually available with answers pretty quickly. They claim a short time for training (which basically is coulda' shoulda' woulda'), but they don't usually give the same dr. or report type often enough for you to get used to it before you are given the next (different) project. Yes they pay decent, yes they are flexible with schedule, yes they mostly are nice enough, but you WILL be training yourself, you WILL need to memorize the manual in order to type fast enough to make any money, and you WILL be dogged by formatting issues that will send you to the Kleenex. Not a BEWARE message, but a BE PREPARED message. You will probably do best if you are a 20 y/o memorizing genius with a larger background in legal and editing -vs- medical due to the EXTREMELY LARGE amount of formatting issues.


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