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VDI companies/VDI - An MT

Posted: Nov 17th, 2019 - 2:50 pm

This might get moved to main board but I think more MTs gather here so I'll post here first.  If you are working in VDI, does anyone suddenly lose foot pedal capabilities and thus lose audio?  This happens randomly, not every report but at least twice daily and I have to waste time fiddling with it and then it may go back to working okay for the rest of the day and nearly the entire next day.  Also, I always uncheck (talking about EditScript, here) the skip box to make sure audio is not skipping, but it will skip anyway.  Sometimes I'm aware of it and other times not.  I found this out by going back and re-proofing a few times surrounding a blank I wanted to relisten to and words were missing that were totally not heard the first couple times, but let me tell, I can't keep doing that.  I have a very high-end computer, more than the requirements and an excellent foot pedal (and, no, it's not my internet connection).  I have reported this but it seems it's treated as 'too much ado about nothing.'  Is this just the norm for working in VDI?  Is this just the norm for working in VDI or is everyone else's VDI working just hunky dory?


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