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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: From JC.. (Views: 56)

Thank you! The problem with Nuance being behind this is - you no longer have to worry about only

Posted: Sep 22nd, 2018 - 10:48 am In Reply to: VDI system already installed here - OKIE MT

you keeping your system safe. You have freely given all access to your system over to every single employee of Nuance, which opens up your possibility of hacking, computer issues, identify theft exponentially. I would bet there was never a time where you freely, without restrictions of any kind, let someone else into your system knowingly, to review whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, without your knowledge of the scans they were doing, etc.

It is good you have not had a problem so far, but this VDI is not going anywhere good. I read the one post from about a week ago, where someone's entire bank info, every single email just to name two issues, was infiltrated by the VDI. Very, very scary, especially since Nuance was given permission via contract to do exactly what they want, when they want, and MTs cannot do anything after signing to stop Nuance.


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