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VDI Already installed - OKIE MT

Posted: Sep 23rd, 2018 - 7:52 am In Reply to: Thank you! The problem with Nuance being behind this is - you no longer have to worry about only

I understand what you are saying and I too worry about that. However, my computer has nothing but work stuff on it. I totally understand that some may not be in a situation where they are able to do that and I also understand that you may work for another company as well. This is MY situation and I SPEAK ONLY FOR MY SITUATION and how things are for ME. I am not crazy about them being able to look at things but there is just work stuff on this computer and if that is what they want to look at fine; that is all they will see. I have to have a job, I recently had to file the big B so I am starting completely over and need a job. so this is what I have to do for the time being. Please understand, that I do understand where you are coming from and I do understand your concerns and your worries and frustrations!


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