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sentence help? re: hemiparesis/hemiplegia/fascia? - dawn

Posted: Oct 21, 2009

She developed a right hemiparesis progressing to her right hemiplegia and afasia in ..

aphasia (inability to speak) sm - flybye

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She developed a right hemiparesis progressing to right hemiplegia and aphasia in... ?

she's having a CVA (stroke)!

okay I think I am understanding. thanks. - dawn

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Depends....sm - elaine

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Aphagia is inability to swallow. Aphasia is an inability of speech.

Which entity it is depends on the sequelae of the stroke.

true...but acute aphagia is rare...sm - flybye

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I believe acute right hemiplegia is more frequently associated with aphasia (speech problems) indicating a left hemispheric stroke (left hemisphere controls speech/language function)

acute aphagia is rare and not linked with right hemiplegia

I agree - aphasia is more reasonable...nm - elaine

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