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sail of ileum? - smmt

Posted: Jun 12, 2012

Doc doing a laparoscopic hemicolectomy and says "At this point we started by identifying the s/l sail of the terminal ileum and the cecum.  We then followed this all the way up to the hepatic flexure.  We grasped the cecum and retracted this anteriorly.

Could he be saying... - Di

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"Tail of the terminal ileum"?

Nope - smmt

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definitely not tail.

you have to click on the response - (she said "tail")

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more text? - blondie42660

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can you provide more text, I find it easier if I can put it in context. :)

relisten/reconsider - nm

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answer from QA - smmt
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turned out it was "seal"
thanks very much for returning with the answer! - appreciate it! nm
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