In a cancer report, the doctor gave a diagnosis of Stage IIIC T4aN2M0 cancer. Then she later said, He was staged as a pathological T4aN2a. She added the a and dropped the M0.
I listened very carefully for the diagnosis and later in the problem list. She does not add the a after the N2 in either place.
Does anyone know why it is N2a in one place but just N2 in the DX? ...
Gleason score 4 + 5 = 9 involving 35% of the specimen, 1 out of 1 cores contained cancer, linx of cancer was 0.35 cm.
She says the linked or linx twice in the document. ?? ...
Patient had pelvic ultrasound done which showed some liver lesions. She then had a CT scan done that confirmed the lesions. They were heterogeneously enhancing, not felt to be consistent with hemangiomas. Differential diagnosis include adenomas or S/L ZEPH/EN/H ??.
sef/en/h I clearly just hear "H" at the end so maybe a word dash H ?? ...
Hi there, doc is dictating for osteopathic manipulations done using myofasical, soft tissue, and direct energy muscle techniques, and dictates:
The s/l sacral frog and lateral [s/l sims] receding were also performed.
TIA for your help with this! ...
The person I work for told me I made an error in grammar and that it should read:
"There are no erythema or satellite lesions." I do not see any way this could be correct.
I think it should probably say "There is no erythema, and there are no satellite lesions." Any comments? ...
The doc says, "The ultrasound of the liver shows some lesions which may be s/l red herring" Is this what it is and is this how it should be spelled? ...
Pulmonary evaluation of the same was done with CT imaging which was performed on 01/07/2010. Findings were significant for a right upper lobe opacity with mild FTG uptake with a (sounds like) "suvie" ???? im lost! ...
I am still pretty new to oncology and am really baffled by this one. Gyne/onologist:
"XXX returns having last been seen in 2010. She has been followed at MD Anderson in the interim. She has had a recurrence of her disease, was treated with s/l "Electrosol" for a long period of time"
I just keep thinking about the dishwasher detergent! And it is pretty clear, as well. Not finding anything close to this. Can anyone help here?? I am really baffled.&n ...