Patient had pelvic ultrasound done which showed some liver lesions. She then had a CT scan done that confirmed the lesions. They were heterogeneously enhancing, not felt to be consistent with hemangiomas. Differential diagnosis include adenomas or S/L ZEPH/EN/H ??.
sef/en/h I clearly just hear "H" at the end so maybe a word dash H ?? ...
Is there a tax form that you are supposed to receive if you are an IC?
From the company you IC for?
Any help is greatly appreciated thank you in advance. ...
I worked as an IC transcriptionist in 2013 for approximately 4 months. The company sent a W-9 form and is requesting it be signed and sent back. I did not make a total of $600.00 when I was working for them, which I've understood from others that if you make less than $600.00 you don't need to send in a W-9 form. Can someone clarify on this?
Thanks so much.
Family history is positive with mother and father having *history* of diabetes.
This is how the doctor dictates it. Should it be *histories* ??
I have the freedom correct things like this if I see fit. Thanks! ...
Plural form of retina. Is it retinae? Or retinas? I find both when I google it, but nothing in my word book or dictionary stating the plural form.
Thank you! ...
I just got the mail and it's not here. Anybody else not get their W2 form by today? I thought it was the law to send out paper copies by the 31st. Grrr! I guess that means I have to buy an insanely expensive ink jet refill for my printer. More expenses, less pay. ...
Now, I already knew I didn't do well financially this year. It was evident every time I had to "borrow" money from my retirement account to pay the bills each month. But, I just received my W2 form, and discovered I did even worse than I thought I did! Working an average of 6 full days a week, 10-12 hours a day, with only 3 days of time off all year, and no sick days, I made just over $20,000. This with over 30 years of extremely well-rounded medic ...
If you believe your current or past work status is/was improperly categorized by a firm or person (independent contractor versus employee) you can complete IRS Form SS-8 (Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding). There is no fee for requesting a Form SS-8 determination letter.
IRS: "Employers who misclassify workers as independent contractors can end up with substantial tax bills. Additionally, t ...
The doctor said "orthovisced her right knee". Should it be lowercase like steri-stripped? This is a verbatim account. I'm not finding "orthovisced" as a proper term, but he is talking about Orthovisc. TIA ...
Thankfully (but sadly) a death in the family has given me the finances and the free time to concentrate on it and work only part time. Here's hoping I am as motivated as I think I am. ;)
For anyone who has done Andrews, with something like terminology and anatomy, did your MT experience (I have 15 years) and superior research skills allow you to complete that module faster than expected? Doesn't matter in the long run because I want it right more than I want it fas ...
Good morning. I am a court reporter who does many medical depositions and a discussion ensued amongst us whether subcutaneous is shortened to subq, sub-Q, subcu. Is there a preference amongst medical transcriptionists on how to write it? Thank you. ...
You never know which companies Nuance or M-Modal will eat up next, but seem slike I had heard TTS does overflow or somehow is connected with Nuance. Anyone know the truth on this one? ...
I worked for Imedx for 5-6 months last year as an IC. I still have not received my 1099. I have proof that I worked for them because of my bank statements. Has anyone else not received their 1099? I am going to call their corporate office Monday. ...
I bought a computer that I used for work (100% work, nothing else). I know I file 4562, section 179, but I am having the hardest time trying to figure out where I am supposed to put the information. It's just the computer and nothing else. I read that I do not have to depreciate this, it falls under eligible property. Just confused where to put the info.
I'm filling out the forms by hand. I absolutely hate hate hate Turbo tax and two years ago H&R blo ...